Originally Posted by ilyazhito
I don't know if the public (or powers-that-be) have been paying attention. Some associations have varsity development programs, where officials are taught 3-person mechanics, work non-scholastic 3-person games attend dedicated camps, and are evaluated for progress to the varsity level. My modest proposal is just for more associations to implement this, and a more expanded vision of what such programs should look like.
Who are these "powers that be" you speak of? Camps in our state are a required part of our licensing. We must attend camps in our particular sports every three years. In basketball, that involves attending 3 person camps (the only sport that has an on-court requirement on some level). There is nothing in the requirements that require we must work scholastic games. And almost always associations or assignors run these camps. I am a certified clinician in my state and I ran two camps for two different associations. I also attended a camp in another state that ran a camp that was organized by the LOA. This has been the case for over 20 years BTW in Illinois. The structure is a little different, but basically, associations have been running camps almost my entire career. Nothing new or special needs to be shared. Remember you just got into this, some of us have been doing this for years.