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Old Wed Jul 25, 2018, 05:42am
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
Do not give a damn!!
Join Date: Jun 2000
Location: On the border
Posts: 30,531
You really need to stop. Seriously just stop. No one is being sent home for during camps as a norm or even as a practice. I attended 3 camps this summer where the camps are used to help determine who might be hired for the BIG Consortium and no one was ever sent home. Many of the officials that attend these camps have absolutely no chance of being hired for all kinds of reasons. They are either too young, too inexperienced or just not good enough and no one is sending a person home because they do not perform to a certain standard. Most of these camps did not even use college rules.

For one sending people home would kind of ruin the entire structure of the camp to have the games covered for the event. You start sending people home you have to change the entire schedule and create holes in who was working the games that would still have to be filled. It is rare that they ask people to cover a game in the first place, let alone for someone not able to work for injury or someone leaving early. And many camps like this, people are states away from the location and sent hundreds of dollars. I would not be good business if people are doing those things and then you randomly sending people away that will not be hired. I personally was more than 3 hours away from each of the major camps I attended this summer alone. One camp I had to fly to get there as it was out east and if you start sending people like me home, I cannot just change my flight days or hours because I was not good enough. Then many of the BIG Consortium camps have schools from the North and South Dakota, to New Jersey and Connecticut while holding it in Chicago and Indianapolis and they are not sending people home that might be from those states I just mentioned where schools are located.

Maybe you need to start attending these camps, then come back and tell us what happens. I bet sending people home is not something you will ever realistically see. Heck there is going to be a lot you will see that we are telling you, but again you keep telling us what you know and have never done basic things that people here have done in these areas of training.

Let us get into "Good Trouble."
Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)
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