Thread: Scholarships
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Old Wed Sep 10, 2003, 09:30am
DownTownTonyBrown DownTownTonyBrown is offline
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Originally posted by 18597
But in SP, I find a much greater number of AAs who think they are god's gift to ball,
Yeah, adult slow pitch teams seem to attract a lot of alcoholics...

I'm with Mike on the fact that slow pitch pitchers have a lot of impact on the game - there is a tremendous amount of variability that they control. Are they comparable in athletic ability to fast pitch players? I wouldn't say so. But slow pitch isn't T-ball either - the pitcher's have a definite impact. The batter's ability to place the ball has a definite impact that is not generally seen in fast pitch or baseball.

They are completely different games to umpire, play, or experience.

At the adult level, I enjoy working fast pitch above slow pitch. At the high shool level, I enjoy baseball above softball. You want to work for the best athletes you can and those are generally in baseball or fast pitch softball.
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