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Old Tue Sep 09, 2003, 03:46pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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WMB brought us back to the original topic...

I agree with your comments, WMB, on the primary fault being with the coach. As to the specifics of the disciplinary action that should be taken - I have no experience there, but it should be significant.

However, it seems to me from the actions & words (esp after the fact words) of the umpire that either he was inexperienced or generally a timid guy. He made several errors, in my judgment.

1) He should have dumped the coach; Not dumping the coach (who was the primary protaganist here, IMO) gives the coach's chicken----- AD a way out to do nothing.

2) He should never have offered to return his pay, even if the only reason was related to how he handled the ruckus rather than the call per se.

3) He should have had someone call the police and stayed on the field until they arrived. The arrival of the police would provide protection from the fan, avoid the coach following him, and would have given the chicken----- AD more to sweep under the rug than he probably has rug to hide.

These errors should have no bearing on how the coach is disciplined, but I'm afraid they will.
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