Tue May 22, 2018, 09:43pm
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Join Date: Feb 2001
Location: Upper Midwest
Posts: 928
Originally Posted by ilyazhito
What rulebook is this? Without a specific reference (NFHS, LL, NCAA, OBR), a rules citation is meaningless (e.g. 3-3-1-l in the NFHS rulebook prohibits a player, coach, or team member from deliberately throwing equipment, but that rule does not exist in the NCAA rulebook or in OBR; instead, umpires use either common sense, other rules, or additional documents (the PBUC Umpire Standards For Ejection From the Game) to justify ejecting someone for throwing equipment). If NFHS, then the answer to all three options is "yes". In professional rules, the pitch is called a "ball" or "strike" as the case may be, unless the batter left the box and deliberately refused to return while the pitcher was ready to pitch. This situation is what led to the 1-pitch strikeout in a minor league baseball game.
It's FED. The rule is cited. Since all three major books have different rule nomenclatures, there's no reason to need to specify--seeing the rule number would tell us which one it is.
"I don't think I'm very happy. I always fall asleep to the sound of my own screams...and then I always get woken up to the sound of my own screams. Do you think I'm unhappy?"