Thread: Fake Tags
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Old Mon May 21, 2018, 01:46pm
parrothead parrothead is offline
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But if I just wheel him after the ball fake and with reasonable idea that he might make it because they still dont even have the ball (would be risky) but then arent they making a play on him at the plate?

I realize the gray area of "intentional" but to me, in that scenario we have all seen the 3B in the clouds standing on the base or wherever that is "in the way" and obstructing, but since the runner isnt going home - no biggie, but what if he were to intentionally grab his shirt? yes, he likely was not gonna score so thats OK?

Fake tags are intentional obstruction to me honestly the same as grabbing and holding a guys shirt. Both of which I guess are fine so long as he was not gonna score anyway.
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