Originally Posted by Rich Ives
LL: Fake tag is obstruction. Obstruction gets the award.
So this came up again this weekend (Little League rules). We had runners at 2B and 3B, pitcher uncorks a wild pitch, runner from 3B scores easy and the ball is not secured yet from catcher my runner takes a turn, and 3B fake tags him without ball.
Would he of scored? No
Was I going to send him? Likely not
Our umpire in chief who is a good ump and seems to know the rules and said to me "I appreciate you knowing the rule, but since he was not going to score without the obstruction, I cant give him home"
I then asked, if he was ball faked can I just send him home and if he gets thrown out because of obstruction would he be awarded the base or returned to 3b? He said No, if deemed that obstruction didnt cause him to be out, he would be called out.
Which I was always under the belief that obstruction that occurs on the player the play is being made upon is awarded the base without judgement and the judgement comes more into obstruction made against runners who the play is not being made on?