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Old Mon May 07, 2018, 05:27pm
Player989random Player989random is offline
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Originally Posted by ilyazhito View Post

If I started a camp, I'd have classroom sessions and games for both those who want to attend a teaching camp, and those who want to try out for my conference. This way, both those who want to learn more about officiating and those who want to attend to try out would be able to gain a positive learning experience. Existing staff would be able to attend at a discount (or for free, if they have other discounts, or get a scholarship). The only difference between "students" and "candidates" would be that candidates would be evaluated and considered for jobs, whereas "students" would just be evaluated. Candidates (those who try out) and students (those who want to attend a teaching camp) would pay the same fee, and would indicate if they want to try out in their application. Candidates would also have a separate meeting about conference logistics, how they would be informed, etc.
Brah, that's almost exactly what the average camp is. There's just no difference between "students" and "candidates", cause if a student is good enough to work, he gets hired.

And listen to Raymond. His advice is what everyone here has been pushing for the past 2 pages.
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