Thread: Fashion Police
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Old Fri Apr 27, 2018, 06:06pm
BillyMac BillyMac is offline
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Stupid Underwrap ...

Originally Posted by The_Rookie View Post
Fashion Police rules seem to be confusing to members of my association.

The most confusing issue with our local guys here in our little corner of Connecticut is in regard to headbands and hair control devices, often utilizing underwrap.

Hair control devices (ponytail holders (scrunchies) made of rubber, cloth, or elastic bands,) are under no color restrictions. Remember, hair control devices only go around hair.

Headbands, of any legal material, are defined as going around the entire head and must be the solid color black, white, beige, or the predominant color of the uniform jersey.

The most confusing issue is in regard to underwrap used on the head, usually by girls.

If the underwrap is used such that it just goes around some hair, like a ponytail holder, it doesn't fall any color restrictions.

But if the underwrap goes around the entire head, it's a headband, and does fall under the color restrictions for a headband (solid color black, white, beige, or the predominant color of the uniform jersey).
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Last edited by BillyMac; Sun Apr 29, 2018 at 06:06pm.
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