everything else the same:
at 6 Seconds
Pitcher Still has hands together
Batter faces the pitcher in a normal batting stance
At 7 Seconds
Pitcher Still has hands together
The batter has waited 1+ seconds with the pitcher's hands together
At 8 Seconds
Pitcher begins windup and delivers
Batter awaits the pitch the pitch
At 9 Seconds
Pitched delivered
Pitch arrives at the plate, called strike.
Should it be called a quick pitch? Should the umpire call No-Pitch.
Has the pitcher satisfied Rule 6-1-1
ART. 1 . . . Prior to starting the delivery (pitch).......
a. Prior to pitching, the pitcher must take a position with shoulders in line with first and third base with the ball in the glove or pitching hand, and with the hands separated.
b. While in this position, the pitcher shall take (or simulate taking) a signal from the catcher.
c. After completing "b" above, the pitcher shall bring the hands together in front of the body for not less than one second and not more than 10 seconds before releasing the ball. The hands may be motionless or moving.
After all that is said and done, more is said than done