Illegal or not?
Timing in Seconds
The action of the pitcher
The action of the batter
Pitcher receives the ball from Catcher
Batter steps out of the Box
Pitcher Walks behind the pitchers' plate
The batter takes a couple of swings
Pitcher From behind the rubber takes sign from Catcher
Batter Take a couple more swings
Pitcher Step on to the plate, hands apart for one second, simulates taking
Batter Take a sign from her coach
Pitcher Hand apart
Batter Steps into the Box
Pitcher Brings hands together
The batter gets comfortable in the box
Pitcher Still has hands together
Batter faces the pitcher in a normal batting stance
Begins windup and delivers
Batter awaits the pitch the pitch
Pitched delivered
Pitch arrives at the plate, called strike.
Is this illegal, I can't find where it states all the action that goes on prior to the pitch requires the batter to be present and "ready". What am I missing? Is it just assumed the batter must be present and ready before?
Thoughts, Rules situations???
After all that is said and done, more is said than done
Last edited by agr8zebra; Mon Apr 16, 2018 at 10:08am.
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