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Old Wed Mar 28, 2018, 03:56pm
crosscountry55 crosscountry55 is offline
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Originally Posted by BigT View Post
We had a state championship game at the end. A girl subbed out before FTs and came back in before a tick. She hit the winning shot. Pretty big screw up. How often do coaches try this and how often are we paying attention to who just left and who wants to come back in....
Yeah a play like that is one of my biggest fears. It is very easy to miss. It definitely seems to be more common at higher levels and/or with more astute coaches who like to play individual defensive and offensive matchups for certain possessions.

A good official scorer is worth their weight in gold here, but seeing that we can't count on them to know the rule, I think the moral of the story is to pay close attention to who leaves the game during FT substitutions in late game situations when the score is close. Whether or not a final free throw is good or not has an impact on the score differential, which good coaches use to determine who they want on the floor. Sometimes it's the team member they just took out. We need to be on the watch for this. I don't think coaches usually try to pull a fast one on us; they're just coaching and don't think about it. That said, I'm sure there are some that do know the rule and simply try to get away with an illegal substitution if they can.

This usually seems to be an issue during free throws. But it could also be a problem if a violation or foul occurs before a throw-in ends.
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