NFHS 5.2.1C vs. NCAA-W A.R. 113
Situation #1) A1, from behind the 3 point arc, throws a pass to A2 that strikes B2 who is standing inside the 3 point arc and then goes through the basket.
Situation #2) A1, from behind the 3 point arc, throws a pass that strikes A2 who is standing inside the 3 point arc and then goes through the basket.
QUESTION A: Is it correct that NCAA-W and NFHS differ as to the number of points awarded in the above situations?
QUESTION B: Are these the relevant casebook references to the issue expressed above?
A.R. 113. A1’s throw (pass) from behind the three-point line is deflected while in flight by:
(1) B1; or
(2) A2, both of whom are located inside the three-point line.
RULING: (1) When a ball thrown (passed) in the direction of the
basket from behind the three-point line with the possibility of entering the basket from above is deflected by a defender, a three point
goal shall be counted. However, if there is no possibility of the
ball entering the basket from above and the deflection caused the goal
to be successful, a two-point goal shall be counted.
(2) When a thrown (passed) ball is deflected by a teammate and the
goal is successful, two points shall be awarded.
When a passed ball hits the ring and does not enter the basket, there
is no reset of the shot clock.
(Rule 5-1.1, 5-1.2.a and 5-1.3 and .4)
A1 throws the ball from behind the three-point line. The ball is legally touched by: (a) B1 who is in the three-point area; (b) B1 who is in the two-point area; (c) A2 who is in the three-point area; or (d) A2 who is in the two-point area. The ball continues in flight and goes through A's basket.
In (a) and (b), three points are scored since the legal touching was by the defense and the ball was thrown from behind the three-point line. In (c), score three points since the legal touch by a teammate occurred behind the three-point line. In (d), score two points since the legal touch by a teammate occurred in the two-point area.
Making Every Effort to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time, Looking at the Right Thing to Make the Right Call
Last edited by Freddy; Tue Feb 27, 2018 at 11:06pm.