Originally posted by ChuckElias
Can I ask you a serious question? Why do you stoop to personal insults and name-calling? I try very hard to respond to what you say, rather than make personal comments (although once in a great while, I admit, my frustration spills into my comments and becomes personal). Yet just in this thread you've called me a dumbxxx and a know-it-all. In another recent thread, you called me a fool.
Let me say that, if you claim that you have never called me a name, then we all need to stand back from our computers and watch out for the electric shock. I am just doing what you seem to condone and the way you seem to like to do it. If it is good for you and others, it is definitely good for me.
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Frankly, I don't care about what you call me. I'm a firm believer in "sticks and stones" and all that. But I'm curious as to why you resort to this. It makes you seem petty.
When you are telling me "your post was not helpful, because you did not say......," and you are calling me petty? Let us call a spade a spade here. Most of your post in response to me are extreamely petty, considering when they do not go along with your ideals or way of thinking. You have the gaul to try to tell me what I post is not helpful, because it does not answer a question you think should be asked. If you have not noticed, I hardly ever sugar-coat things. I do not answer questions like you, because I do not see the need skirt the issue. I tell it like it is, call it like I see it and I know very well that others do not agree or will never agree. That is who I am Chuck, if you like people that lie to you and give you half information, then you can find many guys here that do that every time they post. No different than if you were in a meeting with me or officiating with me. And you want to know something, that is why I am successful.
Originally posted by ChuckElias
Is there some reason that you lower yourself to insults, maybe for emphasis, or something? I'm just curious. Again, this is a serious question in the hope of improving the level of dialogue here.
I do not feel I am lowering myself to anything. I feel I am fitting in with the status quo that prevails on this and many other officiating internet sites. Especially when the many discussions that we have here or solely opinions to begin with. Someone sent me an email a couple of weeks ago about someone that responded to me and say, "it seems like you cannot just share an opinion anymore."
If you want to raise the level of dialogue, do these things. (Of course this is my opinion).
1. Understand that a post is a personal opinion shared.
Unless we are talking about something black and white in the rulebook, much of what is shared is a personal opinion and a phlosophy.
2. Opinions shared might work in their area, but not translate in your area.
If I have learned anything, what works in my area, does not necessarily work in North Carolina or Florida or Nebraska.
3. The level that the individual officiates might say something about their opinion.
This is the main reason most guys I know would never come to this or any other website for officiating information. No one cares what I say, you say, Tony says, or what Mick says, because our last name is not O'Neil, Hightower, Pamon, Michalek, or Markbreit. And because none of us share those last names in officiating, what we say means nothing to the general officiating public. Last time I checked Chuck, you have not accomplished anything these guys listed have, so what you say or what I say is only going to go so far in the first place. I have always understood that, but you seem to think no one but you can have an opinion and act like a man when reading it.
[Edited by JRutledge on Sep 4th, 2003 at 12:35 PM]