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Old Wed Sep 03, 2003, 06:12pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally posted by ChuckElias

I will not stoop to vulgar insults, but if you truly did read my post, then you clearly did not understand it. My point was not that smoking was a problem at the HS level; merely that it was much more common to see football or baseball personell using tobacco products in the past than it is now.
There was a time that someone tried to call my comments in question because I was not referring to HS ball. Well unless this is something going on in your state, as long as I have lived in my state, which is nearly all my life but 4 years, I have never seen that on a large scale with HS players or coaches. Not to say you never saw it, but it was not a common practice (at the HS level). If you were talking levels higher than the HS level, then we have another discussion. But like you always try to tell me, you should have made that clear, but you did not.

Originally posted by ChuckElias

Have you ever heard of Major League Baseball? Jim Leyland used to smoke in the Pirates dugout as recently as maybe 10 years ago. Players still use chewing tobacco regularly. Ever hear of the NBA? Red Aurbach [sp, sorry] made the "victory cigar" famous, while sitting on the Celtics bench. My point was only that the culture of some games was more accepting of tobacco than basketball was/is.
If you want to compare the Major Leagues with the NF, that is not a very good comparison. They still wear jewelry in the Majors and in other pro sports. The NBA has rules against that, but that has bigger liability issues to wear jewelry. But I think we have all stated at one time or another how different the pros are with their rules and their philosophy behind them. The pros are adults, not minors and children.

Originally posted by ChuckElias

And finally, if you had read my post, you would've seen that I admitted that my hypothesis was just a guess. I'm not trying to say that's what happened. I'm only venturing a guess. If I'm wrong, then I'm wrong. But your post doesn't help the discussion at all.
That is why I said you were wrong. Your guess was way off. And yes it did add to the discussion, just like your posts add to the discussion when you claim to do the same thing with me. What I find funny, is you do not appear to like it when I point out your flaws or your posts that I feel are way off. But you always seem to want to tell me what I do not know, do not understand or what I think is crazy (in my own state mind you). If you can give it, take it when it is done to you.

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Charles Michael “Mick” Chambers (1947-2010)