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Old Fri Feb 02, 2018, 01:47am
Camron Rust Camron Rust is offline
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Originally Posted by justacoach View Post
Here is the appropriate passage from NFHS Rules Book from 2010-2011. Rule 8-3 in that book.

The free throws awarded because of a technical foul may be attempted by any player of the offended team, including an eligible substitute or designated starter. The coach or captain shall designate the free thrower(s).

I don't think this citation has materially changed over the years,
The (s) seals the deal, at least for me

Sorry, late to the party. I think Nevadaref is correctly applying the proper interp based on the affirmative mention of ELIGIBLE substitute.
Exactly. This statement doesn't erase other rules. It is just saying subs that could otherwise come in can take the FTs.

Just to add another point to this interpretation....what if the player the coach wanted to designate to take the FTs was coming off the bench and had purple and orange striped tights on, big hoop earrings, an untucked shirt, and an and the likeness of MTD, Sr. tattooed on his bicep? Would you let that player shoot the FTs or would you send them back for being improperly equipped (for the tattoo, of course)?
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