Originally Posted by CJP
Team A has team control in the backcourt. They still have team control after the ball is deflected into the backcourt. Team control is now in the FC. The ball has FC status after the deflection. The ball is technically in the front court when A1 touches it while standing in the back court. It is a violation.
Whether it bounces or not DOES matter by words of the rule. The last six words are "before it went to the backcourt". "It" meaning the ball. The ball cannot go back into the backcourt unless in touches the floor.
What player was located in the FC and what player in the FC was last to touch the ball? B. You are right that the ball is in team control of A and gains FC status when B deflects it. That's part of the rule. But it goes on to say last player in FC to touch. B is the only player in this example IN the FC. That's what words mean. B is last to touch in FC. And you are right the last 6 words refer to the ball. The touching of the ball by the other A player standing in BC makes him first to touch in BC. The rule requires more than FC status of ball and a touch in BC. Somebody on A has to be last to touch in FC