Originally Posted by CecilOne
So, you are saying the appeal answer is no/safe; touching 2nd on the way to 3rd removes the miss; even though the runner touched 1st on the return.
I'm having a hard time tracking what you're asking here. But if you're talking that the batter-runner:
- legally touched first and continued
- legally touched second and continued, but then turned around
- missed second and continued
- legally touched first and turned around
- legally touched second and continued
- finally arrived to third base
I don't think any of that fixes her initial miss of second base while returning to first. What would have fixed her miss is the following:
- legally touched first and continued
- legally touched second and continued, but then turned around
- missed second and continued
- legally touched first and turned around
- legally touched second and
- legally touched first and turned around again
- legally touched second and continued
- finally arrived to third base
Bottom line: Don't miss any bases!