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Old Wed Jul 26, 2017, 02:31am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
The play at 15:30 is just the description. It is a block, but for reasons different than described.

The dialog says "No. 30 red, a secondary defender just outside of the restricted area, never initially establishes LGP by having both feet on the floor facing the opponent."

They then talk about jumping from position A to position B. In doing so, they freeze the action at position A with the defender having both feet on the floor facing the opponent. Huh?

It is still a block because the defender jumped towards the opponent, but it is ludicrous to suggest they player wasn't facing the opponent or didn't have two feet on the floor. The still shot they include right after that shows both of those things.
I agree with most of that. He definitely establishes LGP. I'm not convinced that the defender moved towards the offensive player in jumping from A to B. He seems to leap to the side.
If that were true, it harkens back to a comment made by the NFHS in this year's POE. Does anyone else recall the NFHS saying that a player could maintain LGP by jumping sideways? Is that statement accurate?
Note the words "or laterally" in POE #5. The NCAA does not seem to agree with that given its language about a defender needing to jump from A and return to A.

Last edited by Nevadaref; Wed Jul 26, 2017 at 02:54am.
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