A new riff on an old question
This occurred at a Pony tournament.
Two rules to keep in mind: the MLB rule about intentional walks (can be by coach request, no pitches required) and a tournament rule that a team must bat ten players. If not able to bat ten, then an out will be declared in that slot in the batting order
Situation: two outs, R1 at 2B. B1 given no-pitch IW. The offense is not batting ten, so the next slot will be declared out. Before B1 reaches 1B, R1 attempts to steal 3rd and is caught stealing.
Question: is the caught stealing the third out or is the not batting ten the third out? The answer affects whether the team's next inning starts w/an out (the caught stealing was the 3rd out) or not (the not bat 10 was the third out)
My thought was that the caught stealing is the third out because B1 had not reached first, so the AB was not completed. If the AB is completed when the walk is awarded (per this thread), then would the not bat 10 penalty be enforced, making the caught stealing a moot point and allowing the team to start their next inning on offense with no outs?
Last edited by ren0901; Sat Jul 08, 2017 at 08:39am.