Right or wrong, here's my logic:
As it relates to players (all but college), when the sun is popping in and out behind clouds, I consider it poor game management to want or need to stop the game multiple times to go get and put on or take off sunglasses. I do understand that sunglasses on the head could be considered an "adornment" in NFHS (as opposed to jewelry; that's a huge stretch), but with game management in mind, I would rather consider it a "hair control" device in that case. If the sun is going down and it is no longer needed, or it is worn in all instances as a decorative item, it may be subject to removal; it is then no longer being used as "equipment". In college, I have zero concern or responsibility, it is the coaches' problem what to allow players to wear. Someone, somewhere, may treat fallen sunglasses as detached player equipment, but it won't be me.
As it relates to umpires, I do not believe the sunglasses should EVER be worn on the hat. Wear them when needed to shade the sun; remove them (on the fence, in your shirt, held with glasses strap), they should never be where they can even possibly fall off and affect any part of any play in the wildest third world play. The NCAA official stance is worn, or removed completely; for the same reason of sun popping in and out for players, I accept within immediate reach, but not possible/likely to drop).