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Old Fri Jun 02, 2017, 09:03pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by BryanV21 View Post
NFHS is trying to market their coaches like in college? Seriously?

How many college basketball coaches can you name? I'm pretty darn sure it's a tiny fraction of the 351 head coaches for division 1 teams (assuming each school has a head coach under contract at this time).
Market them? Market them how? What am I missing here? And yes I can name many coaches at the top level in most major conferences. Or I can name a coach and where he used to coach after he was fired or jumped to another level or position. If you follow Men's college basketball, it is rare that I do not know something about the coaches in the Final Four. Been watching Mark Few for years and of course remember Roy Williams from Kansas and now North Carolina. I only mention that because in my state where we have over 800 schools total I do remember or know of many of the more successful coaches by name and know something about their programs or success, the same way I do for college on a different scale.

Originally Posted by BryanV21 View Post
I've been officiating for 9 years now in and around Columbus, OH? You know how many coaches I can name? None. To be fair I'm not from Columbus, or even Ohio. I'm from central New York. However, when I was still playing in high school, do you know how many basketball coaches I could name in the league I played in? 1... mine.
Well I have been doing this for over 20 and it is rare that I work a game that I have not seen the coach or know the coach. Even in the playoffs I have had coaches often that I have had at some point during the my career like today where I worked some summer games and two of the coaches I have had before during regular season games and summer games.

Originally Posted by BryanV21 View Post
Marketing in college is about the school... not any individual. A school may use certain individuals in marketing, but as time goes on it's the individual schools that fans relate to and continue with... not any one person.
OK, I am still a little lost on your point. If we are talking about the coaching box, I do not know what that has to do with any marketing?

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