Originally Posted by thumpferee
You are referencing a batted ball.
507 (e) Comment:
The pitcher, while off the rubber, may throw to any base. If he makes a wild throw, such throw is the throw of an infielder, and what follows is governed by the rules covering a ball thrown by a fielder."
8.01 (e)
If the pitcher removes his pivot foot from contact with the pitcher's plate by stepping backwards with that foot, he hereby becomes an infielder and if he makes a wild throw from that position, it shall be considered the same as a wild throw by ANY other infielder" (emphasis mine)
Ok--show me where the rules state that the first play by an infielder that goes wild is two bases from Time of Throw?
Yes, I am quibbling but with 50% of my games rained out since March 21rst what else do I have time to do?