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Old Tue Apr 25, 2017, 08:25am
john5396 john5396 is offline
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Posts: 177

I think your play description is ambiguous and the play could be fair or foul. Key missing element is did F3 grab the ball before the ball reaches first base or after the ball passes the front edge of the base.

If the ball has not passed 1st, then you are correct, the ball is foul based on where the ball is touched.

In the case of a bouncing ball which passes 1st base, the call now becomes the position of the ball when it passed the bag, not where it is touched by F3. So a ball that bounces in fair territory, passes over the bag and is then touched by F3 in foul territory before the ball bounces in foul territory is a fair ball.

Maybe you and your compatriots were picturing different plays.
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