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Old Tue Apr 11, 2017, 10:12am
FMadera FMadera is offline
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Originally Posted by osprey6 View Post
Watched the UCLA-Hawaii match over the weekend and saw something I'd never seen in 30+ years of being around the game.

#5 receives serve, but dramatically overpasses to other side and on opposite side of court, still between antennae, but obviously going out of bounds. #2 ducks under net outside of sideline, reaches the ball at about the attack line extension and passes back (outside of antennae) to own team. #1 then shoots the ball to the serving side, but the ball is called out by a line judge because #1's hit went over the antenna.

So what would have been the correct call if someone from the serving team tried to play the overpass, but ran into #2?
It would have been interference if the serving team member interfered with a legitimate effort to play the ball. I believe the center line signal is the correct signal.
Felix A. Madera
USAV Indoor National / Beach Zonal Referee
FIVB Qualified International Scorer
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