This is the last I'm going to say about it.
Saying they missed a travel is discussing a play.
Saying "that was pretty poor last night" is criticizing the crew.
Saying they missed the OOB call is discussing a play.
Saying "That was bad, inconsistent officiating last night" is criticizing the crew.
My comments on the use of "ticky-tack" were not from a moderator perspective, so they should have been included in a different post. I stand by the opinion, but it's a separate issue.
While I appreciate your opinion, this part of the public discussion is over. Feel free to PM me if you want.
Final note: I'm open to further discussing this privately, but not in public. Keep the discussion about the plays.
Sprinkles are for winners.
Last edited by Adam; Tue Apr 04, 2017 at 10:01am.
Reason: clarification