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Old Sat Apr 01, 2017, 07:49pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Anyone, during the CE window. IF a coach asks and it's not changed, charge the coach with a TO.

When officials err and fail to observe the fouls according to
11-2�1�d�1 (this shall not include a common foul) or a fight, they are
permitted to correct and penalize these infraction(s), with the use of
a monitor review, when the act occurs:
When the game clock was stopped, it must be corrected:
During the first dead ball after the clock was properly started�
b� When the game clock was running, it must be corrected:
During the first dead ball after the clock was properly stopped;
Before the second live ball when the ball became dead after a
successful goal but the clock continued to run�
When it is determined that a flagrant 1 or 2 personal foul, a flagrant
2 contact technical foul, a contact dead ball technical foul or a fight
did occur within the prescribed time frame, the infraction(s) should
be penalized and play shall be resumed by awarding the ball to the
offended team where the stoppage of play occurred to review the
flagrant act� Any previous activity before the monitor review shall
not be canceled or nullified� When it is determined that a flagrant 1
or 2 personal foul, a flagrant 2 contact technical foul, a contact dead
ball technical foul or a fight did not occur within the prescribed time
frame, play shall be resumed where the stoppage of play occurred to
review the act�
A coach may request a monitor review to determine if any flagrant foul
involving contact or a contact dead ball technical foul occurred� When
a flagrant 1 or 2 contact foul or contact dead ball technical foul is not
assessed, a timeout shall be charged to that team�
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