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Old Mon Mar 20, 2017, 02:41am
justacoach justacoach is offline
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Originally Posted by Camron Rust View Post
We don't really know that...or at least not for every game. From the the first paragraph of the article, we know that she rarely played. So, the number of officials to have not addressed it may have been very small depending on how many blowouts the the team was involved in.
Are we twiddling our thumbs and looking for hot moms in the stands during warm-ups?

Every prior game allowed for at least one observant, engaged, rules aware official, who should know the uniform rules, to bring this to the attention of the coach and point him in the direction of a legit solution.

It would be incumbent on the coach to pursue the proper waiver instead of peddling the old chestnut, "It was never mentioned all season".

Disgraceful reactions on so many different levels....
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