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Old Mon Mar 13, 2017, 03:58pm
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by Mountaincoach View Post
Unfortunately, this philosophy will be the reason that umpire will be an internet/youtube sensation for the next few decades for all the wrong reasons, and those kids will remember that for the rest of their lives. I fully understand the philosophy, but it shouldn't be about the umpire creed or whatever of each umpire being their own "island". It should be about the kids and fair play. Officials in other sports help each other out, and we don't see as many of these viral videos that are destined to become legends for generations in their sports.
But, here's the deal; it's not a philosophy, it's paraphrasing a rule, in every rule book that I have ever seen.

In USA/ASA it's 10.3-B
In NFHS, it's 10-1-4
In NCAA, it's 15.2.8

If the other umpire attempts to interfere or "overrule" the umpire that makes the call, without being asked by the calling umpire, the OTHER team has absolute grounds for a protest that HAS to be upheld.

There are situations where any reasonable umpire would confer with his partner; there are simply times when it cannot properly happen without potentially destroying the integrity of the game. "about the kids and fair play" is EXACTLY why every judgment call should not be subject to oversight with the potential abuse that could come along with that.

The game, as played by human beings, includes errors of commission, omission, and judgment, by players and coaches. Those well meaning individuals espousing the "get it right" philosophy only want it right when 1) it is in their favor to change the call (well, unless the outcome is fully predetermined), and 2) never suggest that anyone consider replaying a pitch/play/out to correct the errors by players and/or coaches. Why are only umpire errors a matter of the "the kids and fair play" philosophy?
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