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Old Mon Mar 13, 2017, 02:34pm
Mountaincoach Mountaincoach is offline
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Originally Posted by RKBUmp View Post
No umpire has the authority to overturn another umpires call, nor should they ever seek to influence or change another umpires call without that umpire asking for assistance. Unless the calling umpire asked the plate umpire for assistance, the plate umpire needs to keep quiet. Even if the calling umpire does ask for additional information, the call is still theirs to keep or change.
Unfortunately, this philosophy will be the reason that umpire will be an internet/youtube sensation for the next few decades for all the wrong reasons, and those kids will remember that for the rest of their lives. I fully understand the philosophy, but it shouldn't be about the umpire creed or whatever of each umpire being their own "island". It should be about the kids and fair play. Officials in other sports help each other out, and we don't see as many of these viral videos that are destined to become legends for generations in their sports.

With regards to the whole blowout thing and trying to get out of there, I've been on both sides of that nightmare. I see probably why he did it, but, like said earlier, he chose the wrong opportunity to stop the bleeding.
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