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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Dec 29, 2003, 08:06pm
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Alright, I wrestled for 5 years, and during my last 2 years I started officiating and coaching at the JV and middle school level. I was good friends with one of the ref's I knew and he often got me the jobs I had then so I never went through anything official to beoming a ref. Ive also been offered a job coaching JV at my old high school, so a few questions:

1) would taking the job as a JV coach prevent me from officating in other area's away from my high school?

2) where and how can I become a certified official?

3) and suggestions... Im a bit nervous to take the coaching job with students I dont know because it took me years to win the trust and respect of other wrestlers when I wrestling myself. The bonus kicker is Im female, would people 7 years younger then me actually listen to what I have to say being the fact that most boys dont like to listen to girls anyway?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 30, 2003, 11:18am
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 13
Originally posted by Karana1298


1) would taking the job as a JV coach prevent me from officating in other area's away from my high school?
I know there are officials in my chapter who do both; however, time may become an issue, especially for someone taking on the new coaching position.

Originally posted by Karana1298
2) where and how can I become a certified official?
As to where -- anywhere you want to! ;>) As to how -- depends on where you want to (state). Your profile declares that you are in California. Contact the California Interscholastic Association, or better yet, try this link for more specific contact information in your area: You might want to work your way down to that link from the main site, since the site uses frames :>( and you'll lose the other frames' information if you follow it directly. Also, I know there are many members of this forum that are from California, including some very high-ups in your state associations! They will give you much better information, I'm sure, so check back often!!!

Originally posted by Karana1298
3) and suggestions... Im a bit nervous to take the coaching job with students I dont know because it took me years to win the trust and respect of other wrestlers when I wrestling myself. The bonus kicker is Im female, would people 7 years younger then me actually listen to what I have to say being the fact that most boys dont like to listen to girls anyway?
Okay, now you have a more difficult nut to crack. As I read your post, there is an undeniable implication on YOUR part that you are different somehow, apparently because you are a female. I for one don't consider it a "bonus kicker" that you are female, it's neither good nor bad really. I do think that increased participation by females could be good, but only if it happens that females are interested in becoming officials. In other words, if females are actively prevented from becoming / remaining officials, then that is bull$h*t and needs to be corrected. Regardless, recruit new officials not on gender but on interest!
Next, the statement "...the fact that most boys dont like to listen to girls..." is:
a) not actually a fact, it's a generalization
b) false (as are all generalizations, including this one)
c) interesting, coming from you (a female) -- how much time have you spent as a boy? ;>)

If you have reached this point in my reply and are angry, then you are taking this too seriously -- I'm obviously having some fun with this. After all, you need thick skin to be a successful referee.

If you are truly nervous about the coaching position, I'd suggest notifying the school that you'd like to take some time to think about it, and then do just that.

Now, whether someone will listen to you (regardless of their age/gender and your age/gender) or not depends upon you and them. If you earn the respect of others, typically they will listen. If you are a good coach, or become one, whomever you are coaching should listen. If not, then they are cheating themselves -- that would not be a knock on your coaching ability. Accept the fact that there are those who are "uncoachable". But don't go into it with the attitude that because you are a female you are different and will or should be treated differently. If I were in the same position you describe, I would be nervous about getting the kids to listen (who wouldn't?). But, I wouldn't let that show, and I know that it would work out fine. In addition, don't go into it with any assumptions about the kids (for example: "...boys dont like to listen to girls...").

Whatever you do, be honest with yourself. And remember, if you see yourself as different, then you can bet your butt that others will see you that way too. It's like handing out a free pass for it.

Good luck, whatever you decide. For what it's worth, I think you'll do fine. Why? Because if you are the type of person that will ask questions and seek help from others, as you are doing here, then you have at least some of the basic qualities for success, and probably many more.

Now... you want it? Go for it!

[Edited by FallCaller on Dec 30th, 2003 at 10:34 AM]
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Dec 30, 2003, 03:47pm
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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:: grins :: As for being angry, never, I couldnt stop from smiling reading your reply. You have a very nice way of typing, it lets your expressions shine right though. Thank you for the advice and the link. Maybe Ill finally have the badge to go on my ref outfit huh?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Wed Dec 31, 2003, 09:26am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 13
Originally posted by Karana1298
:: grins :: As for being angry, never, I couldnt stop from smiling reading your reply. You have a very nice way of typing, it lets your expressions shine right though. Thank you for the advice and the link. Maybe Ill finally have the badge to go on my ref outfit huh?
Thanks. I hope you get the badge!
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