How badly did I mishandle this?
Frosh game. Server lets bad toss drop and then reserves (which, btw, she did without waiting for re-auth of the serve). A few points later, still serving (same term of service), she does it again. My R1 signals for re-serve.
As the R2, I gave a toot toot, invited myself across, while crossing I'm giving the "illegal serve" signal and telling him that that was the girl's second reserve during this term of service. He made the call, and we went on.
Just wondering how I properly should have handled this as R2. I'm assuming I shouldn't just let it go. But what should I do so that I'm not overstepping my authority or stepping on my R1?
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming