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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 19, 2013, 06:59am
Stirrer of the Pot
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Lowcountry, SC
Posts: 2,380
ASA 8-1-E-3 vs. 8-1-E-4

Can someone please explain to me the difference between the two subject rules? They both deal with a fair batted ball hitting an umpire or runner. For those who don't have a book handy, they read:

3. Before passing a fielder without being touched.
EFFECT: The ball is dead.

4. Before passing a fielder, excluding the pitcher and contacts a runner who is off the base.
EFFECT: Dead ball, the runner is out. The batter-runner is awarded first base and runners advance one base if forced.

It almost sounds as if 4. is a rewrite of 3. to provide more clarification, and 3. was inadvertently left in the book. Or is there a reason why they're both in the book that I'm not seeing?
"Let's face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can't resist." -- Bob Uecker
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 19, 2013, 12:17pm
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Join Date: Sep 2011
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Posts: 763
3. The ball is dead if it hits a runner on a base and the nearest fielder is behind the base. In this case, the ball is dead but the runner is not out.

4. Runner is off the base.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Jul 19, 2013, 01:48pm
Stirrer of the Pot
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: Lowcountry, SC
Posts: 2,380
I don't think that's what they meant with 8-1-E-3, EsqUmp. The rule on hitting a runner on a base is 8-1-E-6.
"Let's face it. Umpiring is not an easy or happy way to make a living. In the abuse they suffer, and the pay they get for it, you see an imbalance that can only be explained by their need to stay close to a game they can't resist." -- Bob Uecker
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jul 20, 2013, 02:30am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Oct 2007
Posts: 785
Originally Posted by Manny A View Post
They both deal with a fair batted ball hitting an umpire or runner.
Without having read the book, I'm betting you answered your own question. Apply 8-1-E-3 when the ball hits an umpire. Apply 8-1-E-4 when it hits a runner.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Sat Jul 20, 2013, 09:38am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jun 2008
Posts: 286
I look at it differently. 8.1.E1-3 simply say the ball is live or dead depending on whether the ball was touched or has passed a fielder. Subsections 4-7 are more specific, telling us who is out or not out as the case may be.
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