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I have been visiting this site since late 2002. I read this site pretty much daily and have increased my knowledge of the game.
I pitched ASA & USSSA slow pitch for 8 years and I have finally crossed over to get all those "bad calls" back. I have only called 85 games and I am learning something different everyday. I have not heard the phrase "You must be a rookie" from any coach or player yet. Question: I have hardcopies both the ASA & USSSA rule books but I am looking for them both on the web. Are they out there somewhere? Thanks! |
ASA does not put their rulebook on line. However, you can get the 2003 rule changes at several sites including cactusumpire.com. They also have some very interesting and informative articles. USSSA can be obtained by going to usssa.com click on which sport, then rulebook. glen
glen _______________________________ "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain. |
while it's probably only a matter of time before the rule books hit the internet in full, i think the various bodies intentionally keep them off
imagine what life behind the plate will be like when every spectator has a rule book in their lap at the games ... they don't know the rules now but think they do, what's going to happen when they have them in their possession ??? that's all we need, "come on ump !! it says right here in the rules we all have ... i'm on sec 6-3, rules e & f !!! we're reading it right now while you're working !!! " then we'll have the fans arguing about the wording and their own interpretations, of course ... fun ??? no !! yikes ... enjoy it while it lasts ... ... bobbrix
bobbrix |
About 3 years ago, about 2/3 of the ASA rule book was put on line at some independent site. It was fairly well done, too, with hyperlinks to the chapters, etc. It was an out of date book even when it was up, and it did not have the POEs and one of the other major rules (I forget which).
However, the web site was pulled down about a year or more ago. I don't know if it was because ASA took any kind of action, there is reason for doubt since ASA seems totally uninterested in defending its copyright from all of the other software alphabet soups out there that blatently copy large sections of the ASA rules and call them their own. Didn't ASA sell their rule book on a CD 2 years ago? Does the current umpire mechanics CD from ASA contain the rule book? If so, what year? Is it in .pdf format? Once it is on CD, it would seem only a matter of time before it is on the net somewhere. I don't worry too much about fans having the book. It's a tough book to read, so I think they'll get bored pretty quickly. Besides, they can always buy one or talk their coach out of his last year's book. And, I don't talk to fans about rules (at least not during a game).
Tom |
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