Is there any time that the batting order can be changed when or due to a injury? When all available substitutes have been already used? Had a situation last night (off night, at park as a fan) that umpire in sister in-laws game that allowed order to change due to injury. Told coach ASA didn't allow it but NFHS did. I think he confused the idea/ruling that deals with removing a courtesy runner when there is a injury? Any thoughts?
If no legal substitute is available, the 'injured' team may continue with 8 players. mick |
And for those experimental states that are using the DP, they may put the DP in defensively for the injured player without changing the batting order - so DP plays defense for injured player & continues offensively to bat for FLEX player (same as DEFO in ASA & Tenth Player for NCAA). This way, the team is short-handed on offense but not on defense.
Steve M |
Pony softball is the only code I'm aware of that allows the batting order to change.
This is only if there is an injury and no legal subs available. In that case the last player removed from the game wil fill the injured players spot. That will usually mean the "emergency" sub will be batting in a different order. (It also requires extra bookeeping by the umpire to keep with the last removed!) Pony also does not allow the team to play short. If they don't have 9 players to finish, the game is over. Roger Greene |
Sub Runner
Was shown something interesting in the NFHS rule book that may apply or at least been thought of in my instance last night. Still applied wrong but worth noting here: Rule 3-2-7a...If a team is playing with 9 (FP) and there is no available sub when a runner advancing on an awarded base or after reaching base is unable to continuea)the previous batter not on base is allowed to replace that player as a temporary runner until she is put out, scores or the half inning ends......b..says....when the player who could not continue is scheduled to bat, an out shall be called...
A Little League rule
There is a LL rule (3.0.5 Note): Maybe Bandit's ump was a Little Leaguer? mick |
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