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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 01, 2003, 09:55pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2001
Location: woodville, tx
Posts: 3,156
One incident in game tonight which maybe coverage was not executed properly.

R1 on 3B, R2 on 2B, two outs, B5 at the plate. She sends a ground ball
to SS, playing back somewhat. R1 leaves with pitch and is streaking
for HP, BR, on her way to 1B. As PU, I move up 3rd base line slightly,
watch BR for lane and see R1 coming rapidly to HP. Watch for touch at
HP. When I look back for ball, it is badly thrown to 1B and gets by
her a short distance. When dust settles, R2 on 3B, BR on 1B and the
defensive coach is calling time. Wants an interference call on R2,
and wants to talk to BU. They talk, then BU approaches me and wants
to know if I saw the interference. I say no. I now know that was
wrong answer. I should have said, "No, I did not see the play, was
trying to fill other obligations." BU told coach, neither of us saw
interference. Coach claims R2 interfered with the throw when passing
in front of SS. Naturally she told us it was blown coverage. I realize it was
BU's responsibility and call and probably should have ended with
BU saying she saw no interference and that she
had a good look as she later stated to me. Coach asked her to ask,
so she did.

My question is, should as PU, I have ignored the other two R's and watched
the ball action longer.

Blast away and thanks.


glen _______________________________
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover."
--Mark Twain.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 01, 2003, 10:23pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Originally posted by whiskers_ump
One incident in game tonight which maybe coverage was not executed properly.

R1 on 3B, R2 on 2B, two outs, B5 at the plate. She sends a ground ball
to SS, playing back somewhat. R1 leaves with pitch and is streaking
for HP, BR, on her way to 1B. As PU, I move up 3rd base line slightly,
watch BR for lane and see R1 coming rapidly to HP. Watch for touch at
HP. When I look back for ball, it is badly thrown to 1B and gets by
her a short distance. When dust settles, R2 on 3B, BR on 1B and the
defensive coach is calling time. Wants an interference call on R2,
and wants to talk to BU. They talk, then BU approaches me and wants
to know if I saw the interference. I say no. I now know that was
wrong answer. I should have said, "No, I did not see the play, was
trying to fill other obligations." BU told coach, neither of us saw
interference. Coach claims R2 interfered with the throw when passing
in front of SS. Naturally she told us it was blown coverage. I realize it was
BU's responsibility and call and probably should have ended with
BU saying she saw no interference and that she
had a good look as she later stated to me. Coach asked her to ask,
so she did.

My question is, should as PU, I have ignored the other two R's and watched
the ball action longer.

Blast away and thanks.


Nope, your primary is the touch @ HP. Keeping an eye on the BR is a good mechanic and helpful to the BU, but not your main job on this play as you are also responsible for R2 as initial play went to 1B. Obviously, it is even better if you can set up where you can actually see both.

Your partner could have stepped up and stated she saw the entire play and that there was no interference. Maybe the question from BU should have been: "I followed the ball and didn't see any act by R2 which suggested interference. Did you see anything I may have missed?" Your response is a simple yes or no. If yes, explain what you saw and if you thought it was interference. Then let your partner either reinforce her call or change it based on the information you may have offered.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Apr 01, 2003, 10:35pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 127
Let me get this straight. Your partner is in "C", has F6 and the ball and R2 in front of her, should be watching that action until the ball is released and it should take her to 1B. She should have an easy call and the discussion should have been as follows.

"No way, Coach. I saw the whole play, was only 15 feet away, and had the good angle. Your SS just blew it."

"Will you check with your partner?" "Won't do any good, Coach. He would have been watching R1, then going to first. It was my call, and I had it."

If she insists, then partner comes to you and you chat briefly about how well your garden is progressing, then she goes back and says "As I said, Coach. He was watching R1. It's my call, and I don't have interference. Now let's play ball."

As for you, Whiskers, how you let that coach, with her "blown coverage" comment transfer guilt to you? You watch your part of the field and assume that partner has her area of coverage. Try and cheat to back her up and guess what? "Blue, I want to appeal the R1 missed home plate." And you say "Sorry, I was watching F6 for possible interference." Now that's blown coverage! (VBG)


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