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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 21, 2011, 09:12am
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Join Date: Oct 2004
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What a nightmare. Too bad that you are in a position where you "have to" umpire for this guy. I am registered with NSA, but I don't really have to be. One of their commissioners is a buddy of mine and he practically begs me to work a couple of tournaments for him each year. This year I worked two for him, both of which just happened to be on weekends where ASA didn't have anything going on.

NSA does publish an umpire manual and none of the stuff this guy is telling you is in there.

- Their manual instructs umpire to say only "Ball" or "Strike" when calling pitches. It specifically says NOT to point, gesture, comment on or embellish pitch locations with hand gestures.

- Their manual describes the plate umpire going toward third in foul territory, then cutting into the infield to make a call there, almost verbatim word-for-word the same as ASA describes it.

(And, if this (N)imrod told you a plate umpire should NEVER be in foul ground...where exactly does he think your starting position should be? In front of home plate?)

- There are many references in their manual to the plate umpire watching a runner touch the plate, including in the exact same scenario you described (runners starting on first and second).

If this guy was there to evaluate you, he should have been watching and saving his critiques and comments for a private conversation with you after the game. What's with interjecting himself and yelling at you during the game? Sounds like the guy is a real tool.

I can't even imagine what my response might be if an evaluator approached me during a game and asked me "why the "F" I was was doing something, or started yelling at me about my mechanics. Well, I can imagine...and it wouldn't be pretty!

If I was in your shoes, I'd have a big problem. I do not suffer fools gladly! I'm a pretty laid back and easy going guy...until somebody starts shoveling BS in my direction. And this guy shoveled a heap your way.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old Sun Aug 21, 2011, 09:39pm
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Originally Posted by BretMan View Post
What a nightmare. Too bad that you are in a position where you "have to" umpire for this guy. I am registered with NSA, but I don't really have to be. One of their commissioners is a buddy of mine and he practically begs me to work a couple of tournaments for him each year. This year I worked two for him, both of which just happened to be on weekends where ASA didn't have anything going on.

NSA does publish an umpire manual and none of the stuff this guy is telling you is in there.

- Their manual instructs umpire to say only "Ball" or "Strike" when calling pitches. It specifically says NOT to point, gesture, comment on or embellish pitch locations with hand gestures.

- Their manual describes the plate umpire going toward third in foul territory, then cutting into the infield to make a call there, almost verbatim word-for-word the same as ASA describes it.

(And, if this (N)imrod told you a plate umpire should NEVER be in foul ground...where exactly does he think your starting position should be? In front of home plate?)

- There are many references in their manual to the plate umpire watching a runner touch the plate, including in the exact same scenario you described (runners starting on first and second).

If this guy was there to evaluate you, he should have been watching and saving his critiques and comments for a private conversation with you after the game. What's with interjecting himself and yelling at you during the game? Sounds like the guy is a real tool.

I can't even imagine what my response might be if an evaluator approached me during a game and asked me "why the "F" I was was doing something, or started yelling at me about my mechanics. Well, I can imagine...and it wouldn't be pretty!

If I was in your shoes, I'd have a big problem. I do not suffer fools gladly! I'm a pretty laid back and easy going guy...until somebody starts shoveling BS in my direction. And this guy shoveled a heap your way.
i should have clarified, he did say after the ball is hit i shouldnt be in foul territory.

before i did my first NSA game, i found the rulebook and manual online, and actually read it....

i talked to my ASA UIC yesterday and asked him about the NSA assignor and he basically shook his head and was like no one really like him. he also mentioned theres another ASA ump who works for NSA, (i believe that ump also does college games) and apparently he gets yelled at frequently by the NSA assignor.

and you are definitely right, the assignor is a real tool. he actually reminds me of peters father from the family guy, kinda looks like him too.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old Mon Aug 22, 2011, 08:11am
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Originally Posted by jr131981 View Post
... next hes asked me why the f*ck i was in foul territory down the 3B line after the ball was hit...
If his F-bomb was loud enough to be heard, I've just sent him to the parking lot. I don't care if he's the assignor, a spectator, a player or a coach. That's one of my lines you will not cross.
Red meat is not bad for you. Fuzzy green meat is bad for you.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 24, 2011, 11:02am
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You need to make the decision --- and it sounds like you already have. Me? There's no way in F that I'd ever work for this nitwit AND I'd make whatever waves I needed to to make sure whoever he reports to knows what he's telling umpires to do.

However, you've made it quite clear that your current need for the dough outweighs the need to do what you know is right. So nut up, take the cash, and do as Romans do... and then the second you can get out from under, get the heck out of there.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 24, 2011, 11:23am
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Originally Posted by mbcrowder View Post
You need to make the decision --- and it sounds like you already have. Me? There's no way in F that I'd ever work for this nitwit AND I'd make whatever waves I needed to to make sure whoever he reports to knows what he's telling umpires to do.

However, you've made it quite clear that your current need for the dough outweighs the need to do what you know is right. So nut up, take the cash, and do as Romans do... and then the second you can get out from under, get the heck out of there.
No amount of money is worth selling one's dignity, IMO. It is people like this assignor that cause doubts to be cast upon the profession. I would not abet him in this.

There are many ways to get money, if one needs it so badly. Even in these tough economic times.

It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 24, 2011, 11:27am
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
No amount of money is worth selling one's dignity, IMO. It is people like this assignor that cause doubts to be cast upon the profession. I would not abet him in this.

There are many ways to get money, if one needs it so badly. Even in these tough economic times.
Generally I agree. But I've also been in his shoes and understand everyone's situation is unique. It's his call and I don't begrudge him that call - sometimes you HAVE to put your dignity and pride aside ... I just hope it's for as short a time period as possible.

The other option would be to continue to take assignments, and simply do what you KNOW is right until this assignor stops assigning games to you.
I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'”

West Houston Mike
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old Wed Aug 24, 2011, 11:31am
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Well, how many times is that idiot going to be at your games? Hopefully, a small percentage.

For the ones that he is there, try to throw him a bone on one or two of his ideas, and if he hollers about the other ones, just blow it off and don't take it personal.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old Thu Aug 25, 2011, 07:28pm
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Posts: 20
I am truly sorry you had this experience.
If you give me a little more information like where you are etc. I can probably help you out diplomatically.
Or send me an email. Would love to be involved.
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