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Badamk Fri May 01, 2009 10:11am


Originally Posted by wadeintothem (Post 599171)
The only point you've made to anyone on this forum is that you are a troll coach not here to ask questions or learn but rather to act like..

well a troll coach.

You think you are the first troll coach we've seen?

You give yourself way too much credit. You are a dime a dozen.


Namecalling? nice touch. I haven't coached in 10 years. I missed the game. Thought I could still have an impact and get back on the field. I've had a lot of fun. Had a question, found this forum. I've got some great input from some very helpful guys but a couple of you know how to ruin what could be a great thing. Namecalling, bullying, overblown egos...

I am not an expert umpire (not even close) what I am an expert on is reading people. And what I do know is this. People who resort to name-calling are very insecure.

vcblue Fri May 01, 2009 11:02am

Originally Posted by Badamk
You know because of comments like this and umps like you, i'm done asking questions on this board. Don't forget you are out there to help KIDS compete and enjoy a GAME. That's it. You aren't there to show off how much you think you know or flex your self-appointed power.

Coach or Parent (whatever you are)... What you forget is there are 9 to 15 players on the other side that also expect us to get the call right. So, when I here a coach say something like, "blue, we are here for the girls", I remind him/her that we are here for all the girls, not just his/hers.

youngump Fri May 01, 2009 11:39am


Originally Posted by wadeintothem (Post 598881)
So a BR sliding past first, walking past first, taking one step beyond first, jogging past first would be eligible to be put out as they are not running past first?

Definitely not. I'm pretty sure that the rule doesn't apply that way. I'm only arguing that in the very strange case where the runner isn't going past first that just because she comes off the overrun rule doesn't apply.
Suppose an idiot BR decides to do a giant two footed jump stop onto 1st base to show up the opponents because she just drove in the go ahead run. And suppose that in doing that jump stop she loses here balance and falls backwards toward home. The fielder relays to the first baseman who tags her lying between 1st and home. Are you really saying, safe because she overran first since she's off the base and not making an attempt to second?


Originally Posted by wadeintothem (Post 599057)
Actually Steve.. I'm not so sure that all are protecting this runner no matter what way she fell... which is unfortunate.
Some based on the theory falling over first is not over running it :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

I thought I was the only one arguing that and I'm definitely protecting her no matter how she falls.

wadeintothem Fri May 01, 2009 01:05pm


Originally Posted by Badamk (Post 599179)
Namecalling? nice touch. I haven't coached in 10 years. I missed the game. Thought I could still have an impact and get back on the field. I've had a lot of fun. Had a question, found this forum. I've got some great input from some very helpful guys but a couple of you know how to ruin what could be a great thing. Namecalling, bullying, overblown egos...

I am not an expert umpire (not even close) what I am an expert on is reading people. And what I do know is this. People who resort to name-calling are very insecure.

Troll is not "name calling" any more than calling you "coach" is calling you a name.

It is a type of individual who visits forums with the sole purpose of disruption and causing trouble.

Such as yourself, coach.

And if you are unwilling to listen to internationally recognized and certified umpires such as Steve, then I'm quite sure you will make an "impact on the field" .. you will screw it up.

bkbjones Fri May 01, 2009 01:59pm


Originally Posted by Badamk (Post 599159)
Thanks for making my point even clearer.

You're welcome. Now get the %$#k out of our space.

bkbjones Fri May 01, 2009 02:01pm


Originally Posted by Badamk (Post 599179)
Namecalling? nice touch. I haven't coached in 10 years. I missed the game. Thought I could still have an impact and get back on the field. I've had a lot of fun. Had a question, found this forum. I've got some great input from some very helpful guys but a couple of you know how to ruin what could be a great thing. Namecalling, bullying, overblown egos...

I am not an expert umpire (not even close) what I am an expert on is reading people. And what I do know is this. People who resort to name-calling are very insecure.

Thank God you haven't coached in 10 years. We don't need people like you screwing up our young people. Now amscray.

Skahtboi Fri May 01, 2009 02:21pm

Why? Why do all of you keep placing morsels out there? :rolleyes:

Steve M Fri May 01, 2009 10:21pm


Originally Posted by Badamk (Post 599159)
Thanks for making my point even clearer.

The point WAS clear, early on. It's you that's arrogant, but too unknowing to realize that you don't know. So, go on back where you came from and tell all of you like-minded friends not to bother trolling here.

bkbjones Fri May 01, 2009 10:21pm


Originally Posted by Skahtboi (Post 599245)
Why? Why do all of you keep placing morsels out there? :rolleyes:

Because if all the bait were in one place, the bear would come get it and the trolls would starve.

Steve M Fri May 01, 2009 10:24pm


Originally Posted by bkbjones (Post 599313)
Because if all the bait were in one place, the bear would come get it and the trolls would starve.

Maybe, just maybe, it'd be a big bear and he'd eat the trolls.:D

IRISHMAFIA Fri May 01, 2009 11:59pm


Originally Posted by Badamk (Post 599107)
You know because of comments like this and umps like you, i'm done asking questions on this board. Don't forget you are out there to help KIDS compete and enjoy a GAME. That's it. You aren't there to show off how much you think you know or flex your self-appointed power.

No, that would be wrong. The umpire is NOT there to help the kids, that is the coaches' job. Umpires are there for one reason, the GAME, period. The umpire is there to ensure the participants enjoy a level playing field and that all the rules under which the participants agree to play are enforced equally and fairly. BTW, softball isn't just a kids game.


So 'old man' take a deep breath and remember to use all those hours buried in a rule book for something good. New umpires come on here to understand the rules better and get some help. Maybe you can turn off the ego and actually help people.
Talk about making something clear! You have made it quite clear that you do not know the rules and have little interest to do so. You have made it clear that you treat anyone who disagrees with your "belief" is wrong, an egomaniac and old. IOW, in this thread alone you have demonstrated you are clueless and choose to badmouth actual interpretations, not opinions, given by those who have umpired at the highest levels, been trained at the highest levels by those who ARE at the highest levels of the game.

You don't want to post any questions? Fine, but stick around and you may just learn something.

Badamk Sat May 02, 2009 03:14pm

Say what you want about me. I came on here admitting I needed help. I didn't ask a question because I already knew the answer. Unlike some of you, I can admit I don't know everything.

I came on here to ask a question because I had a situation that I wasn't sure about. When I asked the question I was told I needed to reconsider being on the field in the first place. Somehow you magically claim to know me and know how I officiate a ball game.

Keep the insults coming. It makes it a very inviting place for newcomers to ask questions.

wadeintothem Sat May 02, 2009 09:17pm

Call one of the most respected umpires in the fast pitch community, who was trying to NICELY help you, an "old man", mock him, then degrade him, then snivel?

You "coach", are a real piece of work... like so many of your ilk. I believe the term used by little ball guys "R.A.T." would be very appropriate, and perhaps how they came to think of your type in such terms.

SethPDX Sun May 03, 2009 01:50am


Originally Posted by wadeintothem (Post 599381)
Call one of the most respected umpires in the fast pitch community, who was trying to NICELY help you, an "old man", mock him, then degrade him, then snivel?

You "coach", are a real piece of work... like so many of your ilk. I believe the term used by little ball guys "R.A.T." would be very appropriate, and perhaps how they came to think of your type in such terms.

I don't call all coaches and players rats. The overwhelming majority are well behaved, respectful, and understanding of the umpire's job. With me it is a term that has to be earned based on a pattern of behavior.

All that said...I smell a rat in this thread. ;)

FullCount Sun May 03, 2009 09:30am

I find it interesting Badamk that you attacked Steve. I don't know him at all but I've found him to be one of the most knowledgeable contributors on this board and I've learned a lot from him. I'm not a rookie but I am pretty new to umpiring so I pay a lot of attention to what is said and who says it. Steve has always been creditable nad he doesn't seem to spend time in chatter. He weighs in on occasion with a reasoned argument and he does a great job presenting the logic of his thoughts backed with rule references. In fact he does exacty what you say you want someone to do. But when he does it, you attack him because he didn't agree with you.

Back to your OP. If you are truly an umpire go read the ASA definition of obstruction. Pay close attention to the word impede. You described F3 impeding the BR. Furthermore it's not normal for a BR to stumble around on 1B. So it's not much of a stretch of the imagination for a BU to see obstruction right at 1B and conclude an unusual stumbling act immediately following to be a direct result of that obstruction. Of course this is really a case of HTBT.

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