Originally Posted by Dakota
Other than your well known ability to play mind games, you're not one to misstate the obvious, especially several times in one thread.
Makes me wonder about the "advantage" thing. The best I could come up with is since it is obviously an advantange to be able to grip the ball, compared with the absurdity of not being able to grip the ball, you were using the word in the rules sense of "illegal advantage." Or, you could just be playing mind games. Or, both.
My point is that when a pitcher wets here fingers, it is to add moisture to the skin, not the ball. The moisture, if any at all, which may transfer to the ball will be minimal and not enough to be aborbed into the cover let alone affect the balls flight.
As has been pointed out, this is a game played in the dirt which does cause a ball and player's hands to become dusty and dry. The reason players, not just pitchers, lick their fingers is to avoid the dry, dust-covered ball from slipping out of the dry, dust-covered hands of the player. IOW, it helps the player to properly control (grip) the ball. None of my comments stated or insinuated that there was an additional, unfair or "illegal" advantage to securing a grip on the ball.