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Dakota Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:12pm

Proposals I don't like (again JO fastpitch):


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
A few proposals to penalize players or coaches for wiping out, erasing or whatever to any lines on the field.

Tell your NFHS reps to get a life.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Require a bat to be on the list AND have a valid certification stamp.
Eliminates all the older bats.

Is moot for most top fastpitch teams, but an unnecessary PITA (and possibly budget) for rec leagues. Probably a bigger benefit for slow pitch.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Eliminating the white ball by 2010

Again, get a life. Maybe they could eliminate gloves without a pocket while they're at it.


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
“When the catcher requests time to speak to the pitcher, base runner may not abandon the vicinity of their bases without it being a charged offensive conference.

So, if two runners confer while the F1 and F2 are conferring this is a charged OC? Jeez-o-petes... get a LIFE!

Dakota Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:24pm

Proposals that make me say WTF???


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Bunt – A batted ball not swung at, but instead hit by the batter who holds the bat in the path of the ball and taps it slowly within the infield

So, what is a "drag bunt" under this definition? The ball is not swung at, but OTOH, the bat is not held in the path...


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change the depth of the catcher’s box to 6’ from the back corners of the plate.

???? This will shorten the catcher's box by almost 6 feet from the current definition, cutting it in half. WHY?


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Allow FP pitchers to use Gorilla Gold.

??? Must be a men's deal...


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546741)
Change in the assisting the runner violation to allow for assisting during a dead ball

??? The rule already allows this.

NCASAUmp Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:57pm


Originally Posted by Dakota (Post 546869)
???? This will shorten the catcher's box by almost 6 feet from the current definition, cutting it in half. WHY?

I'd venture a guess and say this one came from our ranks (meaning umpires and not a player). I can't tell you how many times I get catchers who push us all the way back, giving us a crappy view of the strike zone.

AtlUmpSteve Wed Oct 29, 2008 02:11pm


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp (Post 546875)
I'd venture a guess and say this one came from our ranks (meaning umpires and not a player). I can't tell you how many times I get catchers who push us all the way back, giving us a crappy view of the strike zone.

Can't say who gave him the idea, but it was actually proposed by a voting member from Delaware.

NCASAUmp Wed Oct 29, 2008 03:17pm


Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve (Post 546896)
Can't say who gave him the idea, but it was actually proposed by a voting member from Delaware.


IRISHMAFIA Wed Oct 29, 2008 04:16pm


Originally Posted by NCASAUmp (Post 546875)
I can't tell you how many times I get catchers who push us all the way back, giving us a crappy view of the strike zone.

That is exactly it. This is, or should be, a non-issue in FP.

And you have conflicts within the NUS. Some saying you should never be in front of the catcher, while another telling you to establish a position in which you can see the strike zone and tell the catcher he can stand back there, but you aren't moving out of the way of the ball.

I believe this change will help make this situation manageable. The stand-up guys are off to the side, the crouching catchers within a reasonable range of the plate.

NCASAUmp Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:12am


Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA (Post 546937)
That is exactly it. This is, or should be, a non-issue in FP.

And you have conflicts within the NUS. Some saying you should never be in front of the catcher, while another telling you to establish a position in which you can see the strike zone and tell the catcher he can stand back there, but you aren't moving out of the way of the ball.

I believe this change will help make this situation manageable. The stand-up guys are off to the side, the crouching catchers within a reasonable range of the plate.

Couldn't submit a rule about crappy catchers stepping back onto my toes? :eek:

ASA/NYSSOBLUE Thu Oct 30, 2008 09:01am

And exactly what is wrong with making the optic yellow ball mandatory?? considering the number of leagues that play under poor or variable light conditions - be it poor night lighting, or just playing into the dusk, its about time! One league around here switched to an OY ball, and after the usual 'OOH..we're playing with a girls ball' crap, everyone settled down - when all realized how much better ALL could see the ball, including US...and STFU....

Next up - the ridiculousness of NOT going to all grey slacks...

azbigdawg Thu Oct 30, 2008 09:34am


Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE (Post 547088)
And exactly what is wrong with making the optic yellow ball mandatory?? considering the number of leagues that play under poor or variable light conditions - be it poor night lighting, or just playing into the dusk, its about time! One league around here switched to an OY ball, and after the usual 'OOH..we're playing with a girls ball' crap, everyone settled down - when all realized how much better ALL could see the ball, including US...and STFU....

Next up - the ridiculousness of NOT going to all grey slacks...

Dont get me started on the foolishness surrounding grey slacks..ASA should be wearing blue and to hell with the whining of the college umpires who dont want to buy an extra color. Hell even the WCWC uses the correct color!

Skahtboi Thu Oct 30, 2008 09:53am


Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE (Post 547088)
And exactly what is wrong with making the optic yellow ball mandatory?? considering the number of leagues that play under poor or variable light conditions - be it poor night lighting, or just playing into the dusk, its about time! One league around here switched to an OY ball, and after the usual 'OOH..we're playing with a girls ball' crap, everyone settled down - when all realized how much better ALL could see the ball, including US...and STFU....

Next up - the ridiculousness of NOT going to all grey slacks...

The point is, why mandate it? Around these parts everyone, SP and FP alike, have been using the optic yellow ball for years. I am sure, though, that there are still some leagues using the white balls. I don't see any reason to penalize these leagues. The rule is fine just as it is now.

Skahtboi Thu Oct 30, 2008 09:55am


Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE (Post 547088)
Next up - the ridiculousness of NOT going to all grey slacks...


Originally Posted by azbigdawg (Post 547103)
Dont get me started on the foolishness surrounding grey slacks..ASA should be wearing blue and to hell with the whining of the college umpires who dont want to buy an extra color. Hell even the WCWC uses the correct color!

Too late. The ridiculousness/foolishness has now begun. :rolleyes:

AtlUmpSteve Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:15am


Originally Posted by Skahtboi (Post 547109)
The point is, why mandate it? Around these parts everyone, SP and FP alike, have been using the optic yellow ball for years. I am sure, though, that there are still some leagues using the white balls. I don't see any reason to penalize these leagues. The rule is fine just as it is now.

The rationale to mandate it by the rule proposal author(s) are increased visibility, increased safety due to the better visibility, and an assumption that cost would decrease if there were fewer types of balls on the market and in inventory.

Steve M Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:21am


Originally Posted by ASA/NYSSOBLUE (Post 547088)
And exactly what is wrong with making the optic yellow ball mandatory?? considering the number of leagues that play under poor or variable light conditions - be it poor night lighting, or just playing into the dusk, its about time! One league around here switched to an OY ball, and after the usual 'OOH..we're playing with a girls ball' crap, everyone settled down - when all realized how much better ALL could see the ball, including US...and STFU....

Next up - the ridiculousness of NOT going to all grey slacks...

You can have your greys.

Dakota Thu Oct 30, 2008 11:48am


Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve (Post 547123)
The rationale to mandate it by the rule proposal author(s) are increased visibility, increased safety due to the better visibility, and an assumption that cost would decrease if there were fewer types of balls on the market and in inventory.

As stated, my perspective is JO fastpitch. From the time my DD stated playing in 10U, lo those many years ago, until now, I have never seen anything other than optic yellow used in a game. Never.

If safety is the issue, why not also ban gloves that do not have a pocket?

Wait, that would be a silly rule since no one uses a glove without a pocket. See my first sentence.

AtlUmpSteve Thu Oct 30, 2008 12:29pm


Originally Posted by Dakota (Post 547188)
As stated, my perspective is JO fastpitch. From the time my DD stated playing in 10U, lo those many years ago, until now, I have never seen anything other than optic yellow used in a game. Never.

If safety is the issue, why not also ban gloves that do not have a pocket?

Wait, that would be a silly rule since no one uses a glove without a pocket. See my first sentence.

Quite obviously, the JO fastpitch game isn't the intended perspective; it is the 99.9 majority. The womens, FP game also is 99.9 optic. However, men's fastpitch and all levels of slowpitch primarily use white; because they have always used white, because they perceive the optic as the "girl's ball", and because they continue to buy what is available. They have not experienced the visibility (and this safety) advantage, so have made no effort to ask for it.

If the majority of manufacturers changed their production to optic yellow, there would be less inventory items, and less production line changes, thus the perceived cost advantages. Optic yellow 12" balls with .470 .COR, optic yellow 12" balls with .440 .COR, optic yellow 11" balls with .470 .COR, and optic yellow 11" balls with .440 .COR. All currently in production; there is one proposal for Slow Pitch to play with .400 .COR, a ball previously approved with blue stitches. They get to stop making and inventory the five (5) white versions of these (there are two 11" .470 balls, one with white threads, and one with red threads).

The proposal is to be effective 1/1/2010, to allow leagues, teams, suppliers and manufacturers alike a year to dispose of inventory. It isn't my proposal, but it sounds well thought out to me. It may have minimal impact on you, personally; but the JO FP teams may get better prices for the same ball for a longer time if this passes, while the others get the benefit of a more visible and safer ball.

So, what's the downside making this an issue to you, Tom?

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