Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
After you finish telling him he is an idiot.....ask who will be handling his legal representation.  If he wants a contract with the umpires, he should initiate a standard contract, not you.
OTOH, draw one up. Make sure you include paid holidays, paid health insurance, paid life insurance, 401K and paid dental insurance.
Oh, and don't forget the $100 game fee, a 50% rain cancellation fee, per diem and a uniform allowance.
You guys dont have contracts? What do you guys do, spit in your hands and then shake on it?
It is very common here. The metro just renegotiated ours. I believe they last 2 years. Contracts are used for tourney ball and with the city leagues.
I can't help the OP with the actual content because I am not involved at that level, but the contract negotiations are often discussed at our duic meetings.