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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 19, 2005, 04:43pm
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Last night I am working a Mens League and in the first inning a ball got loose when the third baseman missed it. He and the player sliding into 3rd get tangled up (incidental contact in my view). Anyway one a couple guys use the magic F word. I dont know who it was and so I tell the team that word doesnt fly and if it is used again someone very well may end up sitting.

2 innings later their batter hits a can of corn and uses the F bomb again. Not real loud, and as the team had started with 9 guys, I figured I will cut him a break. I tell the manager that if I hear another one from his team, the player will be ejected. Also, since they wouldnt have enough players to finish they would end up forfeiting.

The next inning the same team scores about 15 runs and in the bottom of the 4th gives up a couple so we end up "flip-flopping". They are now essentiall in the field and only need to stop the other team from scoring 5 runs and they would win.

Two on and Two outs. No runs scored yet. Batter hits a ball to the CF. CF overthrows the third baseman and ball goes into the dugout. SS immediately drop the F bomb. I just dont understand why this guy could not control his mouth, especially during fall ball.

I end up ejecting him, forfeiting the game to the team that was losing by 12 runs.

The forfeited team apologized afterwards, and admitted that they had ample warning. At least they didnt blame me for costing them the game.

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Sep 19, 2005, 05:56pm
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Originally posted by baldgriff
2 innings later their batter hits a can of corn and uses the F bomb again. Not real loud, and as the team had started with 9 guys, I figured I will cut him a break. I tell the manager that if I hear another one from his team, the player will be ejected. Also, since they wouldnt have enough players to finish they would end up forfeiting.

One reason why an umpire should not give ultimatums. If you are going to tell someone "one more time" or something similar, you better be prepared to follow through or your credibility is history.

I have no problem with what you did. I wouldn't do it, but that is me.

Let me raise this issue again. What is it about this word that gets people so upset? You can hear the following anywhere, including some broadcast TV/Radio stations:

Making love
Laying wood

I'm sure I forgot a few, but even though many draw the same images in one's mind, what is it about the "F" bomb as everyone loves to call it, that brings out the morality police in many people?

What is it about this country that seems to require people to draw a line in the sand?

Presently on TV and radio, someone can say "god" and "damn", but it is forbidden to say god damn. Yet, the same people who deplore this verbage are also those who tout their religion and the bible which leaves the authority of damnation to hell in god's hand. Hipocracy? I don't think so, but an argument could be made. It is just that like many things in our lives, someone, somewhere at sometime determined what is right or wrong for peole to read, see or hear.

Just an observation, not saying that anyone or their belief is right or wrong.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 12:38am
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Because their emotional maturity stops at age 12.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 06:25am
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Originally posted by bluezebra
Because their emotional maturity stops at age 12.

Yeah, that too!
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 07:10am
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I usually read and keep quiet. Here is my opinion on this one. What did the player do wrong? You are imposing your moral (mine too) upon him. Mike has worked ASA National Tournaments. Ever worked any teams from New York City. The "f-bomb" is used as a noun, verb, adjective and even an adverb! And it is acceptable in their local culture, so in the premises that this country was built on, who am I to tell them they are right or wrong.

As an aside, the leagues that I adminstrate all have a profanity rule. First time a warning, second time and out. That is what the teams want. If they want it, get a rule. After all we are paid to enforce the rules not make them up.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 09:27am
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Why did I eject?????

Well here is the thing. No moral judgement of mine here (even though I cant understand the need to use this word). This year at the umpire sanctioning meeting I attended either the State or Regional UIC doing the meeting made a point of telling everyone that usage of the "F bomb" is strictly forbidden.

He went so far as saying that if they were watching a game and this term was used and we did not take care of it - we would be pulled off of the field.

Anyway, I just dont get why players that are winning by 12 runs in the last inning cant stifle their language for 2 more outs. Especially when they know what the outcome is going to be.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 10:59am
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Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Making love
Laying wood

We see with our eyes. Fans and parents see with their hearts.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 11:57am
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Re: Why did I eject?????

Originally posted by baldgriff
This year at the umpire sanctioning meeting I attended either the State or Regional UIC doing the meeting made a point of telling everyone that usage of the "F bomb" is strictly forbidden.

He went so far as saying that if they were watching a game and this term was used and we did not take care of it - we would be pulled off of the field.
And that is an absurd thing to say, but this is my point. You have an individual imposing his/her beliefs on the rest of the world regardless of the culture.

And to tell you that s/he would pull you off the field is atrocious.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 03:04pm
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So, if my belief is that it is ok to attack someone with a bat, it is ok and an umpire shouldn't step in? The F word isn't physical but it hurts some people.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 05:07pm
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Originally posted by shipwreck
So, if my belief is that it is ok to attack someone with a bat, it is ok and an umpire shouldn't step in? The F word isn't physical but it hurts some people.
Okay, I guess that terminates the intelligent side of this discussion.

No, words do not hurt. Offend maybe, but if that one word offends, why to not the others?

This thread moved to a blanket statement mandating another's belief be invoked upon others without regard to their feelings, beliefs or opinion. I'm sorry, but I did not give up four years of my life so someone else tell me how to run it.

I do not subscribe to that belief, but I do not fault those who forewarn teams about profanity enforcing the rule for that game.

Do not take this to say I condone misbehavior on the field or loud outbursts. If I believe something is inappropriate for the circumstances, I do talk to players and they tone it down. I do not start calling people out and ejecting them from games. Those who are problematic will not accept the quiet warning and will eventually challenge the umpire and then they go.

The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 06:31pm
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How convenient that this item was on the AOL News page tonight.

It's about the study of cursing.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 08:14pm
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Obviously, it must be a problem that is getting worse, because it seems like more and more states are adopting a casual profanity rule. It is just me, but if it is a word someone wouldn't use in front of their mother, it probably shouldn't be hollered out at a game. Dave
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Tue Sep 20, 2005, 08:59pm
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Originally posted by shipwreck
Obviously, it must be a problem that is getting worse, because it seems like more and more states are adopting a casual profanity rule. It is just me, but if it is a word someone wouldn't use in front of their mother, it probably shouldn't be hollered out at a game. Dave
Is it obvious it (language) is getting worse, or is it obvious that more locales seem to think they need to enforce their beliefs and morality on others?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 21, 2005, 04:42am
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Originally posted by shipwreck
Obviously, it must be a problem that is getting worse, because it seems like more and more states are adopting a casual profanity rule. It is just me, but if it is a word someone wouldn't use in front of their mother, it probably shouldn't be hollered out at a game. Dave
My mother or your mother? I don't want the prudishness of your mother dictated to my industrial league.

It's also interesting to hear the pompous opinions of those that pharisaically think morality and language are synonymous.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Wed Sep 21, 2005, 08:16am
Ref Ump Welsch
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Maybe the intelligence level of the players are dropping to the point they have limited language.
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