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Man, Get Ready!
Got word last night the 18U Nationals in Columbus, GA has over 160 teams registered thus far! I believe the umpire count was 62. There may be a fourth complex added to fill the need! Sounds like it's gonna be fun! The 16U B in LaGrange may loan some umpires the first part of the week to fill in. Our first pitch will be Thursday evening. I'm still working on some better weather for you, but ain't having any success! With the recent FL rains, and high 90's temps, it has been awfully uncomfortable outside. Hope at least the humidity drops in the next couple of weeks. |
We're gonna punch one more ticket for someone to see y'all in GA on Sunday at our Regional. Over 160 teams. Geeeeeeeez. We'll have about 25 at our Regional.
Not to put down anyone working NSA, because there are LOTS of good NSA umpires, and a good friend of mine is the UIC at the NSA Western Worlds this week, but here's a fact: NSA Western Worlds has all divisions from 10U through 18U. There are just over 130 teams TOTAL there. And the ASA 18 National has over 160... Hmmmmmm...
John An ucking fidiot |
WOW, 160 teams !!!!! The umpire list I received had 51 umpires. Man this will be one heck of a week. Not that the weather up here is approaching GA weather but at least it has been unusually hot and humid. Our States two weekends ago saw temps approaching 100 degrees with high humidity and no breeze. This was just a two day tourney. I kept thinking about having to spend a week in that type of weather. This past weekend I worked a 12U Regional with temps in the mid 80's. At least I am getting a little acclimated. I run for exercise and have been spending my lunch hour running mid day just to get my body use to the heat. I can usually tolerate the heat quite well as long as I stay hydrated. These tourneys have given me a chance to see what works best as far as fluid intake goes. I am soaking wet after the first couple of innings so I need to take on lots of fluids. I plan to fly into Atlanta on Sat night. Counting the days. I'm still looking for you to take care of the weather for me. Thanks for the heads up. [Edited by Duke on Jul 19th, 2005 at 09:29 PM]
Ken |
How are you making out bringing in that cooler weather for next week. Haven't seen anything in the last couple of weeks below the mid 90's. Coming in on Sat night so I'll assume you are still working on it.
Ken |
No problem. A cold front has hit midwest Georgia. Temps next week should fall to the high 80's or low 90's. It'll feel like fall! We have had some rain today, lots actually with more on the way. If nothing else that should help clean the air some. Air quality warnings were issued most of last week in the atlanta area. Some of the kids here in band camp, and sports practices have had problems with the heat this past week. I work outside and have been stopping early myself. Five minutes outside and I am dripping! Next week should be some better, but it will still be hot! |
Just some minor exaggeration, previously. Final count is 138 teams, 2 complexes with 12 fields, 63 umpires (5 per field is a good mix for 3 man, plus 3 spares due to the heat).
Found this out when I was called last night and asked to add on to keep the numbers where th UIC and coordinator are comfortable. Look forward to meeting Duke, and whomever else from this board might be there. JEL, stop by. |
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
Guess that wasn't too clear.
I was called and asked if I was available to help out; I didn't call them. I was originally committed to help with the 14B in Marietta, but the team numbers weren't as high as they thought, and I was released. The UIC and coordinator at the 18U decided they needed a few more umpires, and the Atlanta UIC knew I would be available. I live only a 2 hour drive away, and have worked for that UIC before. How many umpires do you know that can make that 8 day commitment with 4 days notice? Yeah, I did see your smiley, Mike, but still wanted to clarify the point. The 18A UIC is Jerry Fick, the Region 10 NUS from Ohio; his two assistants are Kinard Lathem (Georgia State UIC) and Jim Sneddon (a Georgia Deputy, pretty well known D1 in this area). The ASA Rep (I believe, but not 100% positive) is Parks Burgin, the JO from Alabama. Jerry and Parks worked together in Columbus 3 years ago at a 14A, and 2 years ago in Marietta, for a 12A, so that should go smoothly. |
Not as large then as originally thought. Kinard had plans for adding up to a fourth complex, but this way it won't be so spread out. The 16U B added one more umpire, another local guy to raise our total to 12. Was talk of us working Columbus the first part of the week, we won't start until thursday. I'm still planning on trying to catch some of the first games, 'cept now I'll have to pay to get in!
Both Columbus and LaGrange will be fun, Dick Gaylor will be the UIC for LaGrange, with Ken Shaddix the #2 guy. It's gonna be hot though. We will be using the two man at the 16 B. Steve, I'm sure you have worked with or around Kinard before, and Don Brown probably will be around also. Those two ought to have a Vaudeville act! They are fun to work with. Jim will have to play the "straight man"! He is up to the task! I have never met Jerry Fick but have heard good things about him. If you get a chance, stop by Shuford fields in Lagrange. Good Luck to all Nationals. |
160 teams? Is that all? Every year we have a charity tournament (ASA sanctioned) that draws over 400 teams from the US and Canada! First games start on a Friday evening and all games are done by Sunday. Double elimination tournament so every team is guaranteed 2 games. Over 500 games with only 90 umpires. I umped 11 games myself with one being a championship game. It's a busy weekend.
Thomas Hamkens North Dakota ASA Umpire Verlangsamen Sie Wurf weicher Ball ist ein wirklicher Sport |
AFA 18U's Nationals ended up with 128 team count. I just got in from the tournament.
1. Beaumont Blast, Beaumont, Texas 2. Tomboys, Dallas, Texas 3. Houston Power, Houston, Texas 4. Stone Creek Sharks, Chicago, Ill.
glen _______________________________ "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain. |
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