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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 11, 2005, 01:11pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Metro Atlanta
Posts: 870
While in between innings at the ASA State this weekend, I glanced over to the other field and noticed this play. Never saw it before, probably never will...and hope I can describe in words what I saw happen.

R1 on 2B, R2 on 1B with no outs. B3 hits a sharp ground ball to F6. F5 was playing in for a bunt, which caused F6 to run towards 3B to get the force herself. She was now in the basepath with R1 behind her. As F6 approached the bag, so was F5. F6 slowed down almost to a complete stop, which caused the runner to slow down accordingly as R2 was only a few steps behind F6, and then F6 gave an underhand toss about 4 feet to F5 on 3B for the force out.

F6 had definitley impeded R2, but while in possession of the ball. BU made no OBS and rang up R2.

Just wondering what others think about this.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 11, 2005, 01:25pm
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Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Twin Cities MN
Posts: 8,154
Originally posted by tcannizzo
While in between innings at the ASA State this weekend, I glanced over to the other field and noticed this play. Never saw it before, probably never will...and hope I can describe in words what I saw happen.

R1 on 2B, R2 on 1B with no outs. B3 hits a sharp ground ball to F6. F5 was playing in for a bunt, which caused F6 to run towards 3B to get the force herself. She was now in the basepath with R1 behind her. As F6 approached the bag, so was F5. F6 slowed down almost to a complete stop, which caused the runner to slow down accordingly as R2 was only a few steps behind F6, and then F6 gave an underhand toss about 4 feet to F5 on 3B for the force out.

F6 had definitley impeded R2, but while in possession of the ball. BU made no OBS and rang up R2.

Just wondering what others think about this.
It "sounds" like OBS at first (maybe because F6 was not attempting a tag), but put the same actions by the same players in a run-down, and no one would question it. A fielder with the ball is entitled to obstruct the runner. That is her job.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 11, 2005, 01:50pm
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Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 156
Fielder in possession of the ball can block the basepath all day. Only thing that has me thinking is once she makes the throw, if she is still in the baseline and the runner has not yet passed her (in other words the runner is still being obstructed), can you then call obs.? Is this a situation where the fielder just can't vanish and barring intent, play on? Do you kill the play and award third (even though if she is stopped behind the fielder when F6 had possession and clearly would not have reached 3B anyway)?

As of now, I'd let the out stand.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 11, 2005, 02:42pm
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Little Elm, TX (NW Dallas)
Posts: 4,047
As the undisputed champion of overusing (in the minds of my peers) an OBS call, I still have an out on this play, unless F6 impeded R2 after releasing the ball. In all likelihood, R2 was still stopped (or nearly so) during that brief period when the ball was in flight, and was not impeded from her chosen path.
"Many baseball fans look upon an umpire as a sort of necessary evil to the luxury of baseball, like the odor that follows an automobile." - Hall of Fame Pitcher Christy Mathewson
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 11, 2005, 05:49pm
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: The Land Of The Free and The Home Of The Brave (MD/DE)
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Can't award 3rd if "clearly would not have reached 3B anyway".
Could be OBS if F6 was still impeding the runner after the toss to F5. If so, only 2nd can be awarded on the "never out between the bases" clause. But then, all runners would have to advance and R1 would end up on 3rd.
Say what?
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.
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