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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 07, 2005, 10:39am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Columbia, SC
Posts: 994

I had a state play-off game last night, with bracket play having the visitors needing to win both. The visitors brought a number of fans who were really into it, like two guys with two signs of "D" and "+++" (a picket fence.) Toward the end of the game, some home team students showed up and started a little bit more agressive "cheering".

A coin toss on the second game had the local team batting first. I had the plate. The first pitch was taken right down the middle. When I called the strike, the local students went ballistic, "You suck!" "What game are you watching!" The usual stuff, but with a "we're here to yell at the umpire" attitude.

I just stayed in my game and concentrated on my mechanics so that I would be as distracted as little as possible.

As the top of the second was just getting ready to start, the "De-fense" guys started going. "De-fense! De-Fense!" After brushing the plate, I notice one of the local fans throw a plastic bottle at these guys. Not hard, not malaciously, but just a soft side arm toss. The visiting fan never saw where it came from. This caused some yelling and 'bowing up' between the fans.

Me, I just called, "play ball". I knew there was security at the field. (I could see him in the outfield sitting on the hood of a car.)

Fortunately things calmed down. But later, I starting thinking whether I should have halted the game at that point and contacted the security guy or perhaps the Atheletic Director. How would you folks have handled it?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 07, 2005, 12:46pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 1,718
"I knew there was security at the field. (I could see him in the outfield sitting on the hood of a car.)"

What was he securing, the hood of the car? These types are as worthless as teats on a bull. Security should be where the fans are. Of course, he probably didn't want to get involved. And where was the playoff director? If this is a state playoff game, there should have been state people there.

You did all you were required to do. Umpire the game. Unless the morons in the stands are disrupting the game, it's not your concern. I would definitely write to the state athletic office, and inform them of the lack of security, or playoff personnel, who should have handled the problems in the stands.

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Sat May 07, 2005, 08:38pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: north central Pa
Posts: 2,360
I agree with Bob. Notice the fans when they have done something to disrupt the game. I've informed game administrators of male fans yelling sexual stuff at female players. But then again, I never had a game administrator sitting in the parking lot.....
Steve M
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Sun May 08, 2005, 12:05am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 123
When all else fails you always have the coach / coaches. I have on occasion ask a coach to speak to fans, I usually ask the coach on the same side as where the problem is coming from. Never approach the problem fan. These days there is always a cell phone, most coaches have them. Ask them to call school authorities or the police if necessary.
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