Mens Fastball -- Softball Canada
R1, one out. Batter pops ball up to right of pitcher. F1, F2, F3 and F4 converge on ball. No one calls it. At last second, F4 attempts catch, muffs it and ball bounces back towards backstop. Catcher, out of frustration I am guessing, throws mask at the ball and HITS IT. R1 and B/R had stopped at 2 and 1 respectively. Penalty in this case seems a little severe. (note: post uses the ISF/Softball Canada designation for runners)
Matt -- Ottawa Blue |
3 Bases
The penalty.... Rule 8.7f When a fielder intentionally contacts, or controls a fair batted, thrown or pitched ball with his cap, helmet, mask, protector, pocket, detatched glove or any part of his uniform that is detached from its proper place on his person. EFFECT All runners, including the batter-runner, shall be entitled to: 1. Three base from the time of pitch if on a fair batted ball; or 2. Two bases from the time of pitch if on a thrown ball; or 3. One base from the time of the pitch, on a pitched ball but in each situation they may advance farther at their own risk, as the ball remains alive. BTW, I have only ever seen this once before as an umpire ... but in that case the little kid missed the ball when he threw his glove, so no penalty.
Matt -- Ottawa Blue |
I can't imagine throwing the catcher out for this. He's have to throw equipment at a player to be thrown out of the game. I mean ...there's a prescribed penalty for this right there in the book. No need to go past that.
I've got R1 home and scoring a run + batter sent to 3rd.
3 bases each from time of pitch. Harsh ???? You've got to be kidding. I have zero patience left in my life for those guys. Simple solution, don't do men's games. It's not worth the showboating/hassles/whining/complaining/....
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