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Watching 14U Rec game. R1 and R2, 1 out. Batter pops ball up between pitcher and F4.
F4 makes no move on the ball and pitcher makes a nice over the shoulder catch. No harm, no foul. Defensive coach asks, "wasn't that an IFF"? PU says no - in his judgement ball wasn't catchable. We chatted after the game. Question I have is, should the competence of a fielder be considered when judging the IFF? The ball clearly could have been caught by F4 with ordinary effort but she just froze on it. That was a factor in his judgement of "uncatchable".
MCPO(SW) USN(Ret.) Softball Addict Mississippi Gulf Coast |
Judgement Call, He called what he thought.
glen _______________________________ "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." --Mark Twain. |
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball. |
The definition also states that an infield fly is determined based on the position of the closest fielder when the ball is at its highest point. Is it not conceivable that you could make this call before a fielder even makes an effort to catch the ball? Suppose F4 didn't even have to move to get under the ball. Would you call an IFF at the top of its arch even if F4 has not raised his glove? He hasn't made an effort yet. Would you rule IFF in this situation? Co-ed, SP. Weak hitter at bat. Outfield playing very shallow. Runners at 1st and 2nd with 0 outs. Pop fly hit to just behind 2nd base. All the F4 had to do was take two steps back and he'd be under it. However, since the outfield was playing shallow, F8 made the catch. That's still IFF by rule. It has all the necessary requirements: 1. Runners at 1st and 2nd 2. Less than 2 outs 3. Ball COULD have been caught with ordinary effort by an infielder. It doesn't matter that F8 caught the ball.
Gwinnett Umpires Association Multicounty Softball Association Multicounty Basketball Officials Association |
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