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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 15, 2005, 01:16am
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Worked a NAIA doubleheader today, and I never did have a partner...assignor says he looked forever (and I know he's been trying to fill this date for about 6 weeks now) and I even called several good quality HS umpires to see if they could help. Ended up working both games myself.

Here's my question:

What type of payment should I have/should I receive for this? Only "one" check or "both" checks? Schools in this conference use a voucher system (fill out info, they send you check). Each voucher is made out for one umpires fee. Should I or the assignor contact school and ask for arrangements for both checks?

Just wanting input!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 15, 2005, 07:51am
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X 2

Some sort of compensation should be made. Maybe even if it comes out of the assigners pocket !
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 15, 2005, 08:49am
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It is probably already set... if this happens in my Fed Assoc it is increased by an amount (definately not doubled) .. contact your assignor, I doubt this is the first time this has happened.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 15, 2005, 09:29am
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Question Association Contract?

Originally posted by FUBLUE
Worked a NAIA doubleheader today, and I never did have a partner...What type of payment should I have/should I receive for this?
Are you sure that your association or the NAIA does not have this covered? For instance, for our FED and ASA games, there is a standard fee for one umpire games which is higher than the two umpire games. I would agree with WadeIntoThem that you should discuss this with your assignor (I'll bet this is not the first time he was asked the question).
ASA Softball Umpire for Life!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 15, 2005, 09:53am
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Ours is standard too. About 1 1/2 times a normal game check.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old Fri Apr 15, 2005, 10:23am
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Take both fees. You earned them.

Steve M
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 08:40pm
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Originally posted by Steve M
Take both fees. You earned them.

I agree with Steve

Only had to cover one crazy situation: Fly ball and I'm trapped at the holding zone because of a runner on third...fortunately the ball was dropped by the outfield becuase it would have been an extreme shoestring behind the back catch that I would have had to guess on.

After runner crossed plate I was able to get out and make a call at second.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 09:08pm
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why are you holding for a runner scoring from 3rd on a ball hit to the outfield? The play is going to be most likely at 2nd or 3rd. You should be near the pitchers circle IMO... If you get a chance glance back to make sure they touch home.. if not oh well. They are home.

Incidentally, I work 90% rec league by myself and about 90% JV by myself.. I only count on a partner for Travel/Tourney/Varsity.. other than that I know I'm solo. Ball to the outfield, I'm moving to near the pitchers circle and then from there to wherever I need to be. I think prioritizing is essential in 1 man mechanic.. i.e. There is need to do and nice to do.. Nice to do would be to make sure someone actually touched home in case of appeal.. need to do is a close play on tag up or extra base attempt.

Another example - Seeing if someone left early on a pitch is also a nice to do. I can see it if they leave outrageously early.. but I'm doing the need to do - watching the pitch. Sometimes if I think someone might be leaving early, I'll give em an extra look and I usually adjust position in slot a little to see better.. but God only gave me two eyes that look in the same direction and one brain.

Hustle and prioritize are the two keys, but you just cant watch everything you normally watch on 2 man. Its impossible.

[Edited by wadeintothem on Apr 17th, 2005 at 10:17 PM]
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 10:06pm
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You asked "why are you holding for a runner scoring from 3rd on a ball hit to the outfield? ..." Here's why.

As you move up in skill levels of players, the details become much more important. FU was in the holding zone because a run was likely to score - that was the proper place to be. And then he hustles to wherever the next play may be. While NAIA is not usually considered skilled college ball, the player s are more skilled than most high school players. The details are critical and in FU's play, the run scoring was the most critical part of that. Having to work a 1-man in a college game is a really bad joke.
Steve M
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 11:18pm
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I watch that as much as possible.. but I time the play and look over my shoulder just long enough to see the plate touch.. But doesnt seem at all it should be the highest priority.. seems odd that that is the preferred position considering you have several things that could happen.. score from 3rd.. or if a catch a possible close tag up play.. or a play at 2nd xtra bases.. but the top concern is a forward facing view on a touching hp? I dont know how far it was hit but we've all seen the monster arm throws to get em at 1st even.

I'll take your word for it.. Highest i've worked is varsity - but seems an odd priority and mechanic.

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 11:31pm
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Had to prioritize the play:

1. Runner at third was tieing was smart enough that if he saw me moving towards the circle he would have had her leave early on a potential catch...only person who can call that is me, right?

2. Yeah, I wish I would have been able to move to circle, but I have to wait for the runner to hit the plate first.

As for the level, I would have thought the same thing. 2-0 and 6-5. Both teams have beaten NCAA Division II teams this year. One team had 39 straight shutout innings headig into the game. That's good at any level. One team had two pitchers recruited by Division I schools. So the level of ball was actually pretty good. First game took 1:20, second 1:40, both going seven full. That's pretty good at any level!

You mention that your first responsibility is to watch the pitch in your "another example." Then you say you would adjust your stance a little bit if you thought the runner was leaving early. You've just changed your look at the strike zone, in effect making catching a runner leaving early more important than the pitch.

Are you sure you are prioritizing, or looking for outs? Just starting conversation, not an attack!
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 11:44pm
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On a good note...

Received e-mail from both coaches over the past day or two thanking me for my hustle on both games. One specifically mentioned that I was at second base for a possible close call (no runners on ball hit in gap) in the seventh inning of the second game. He thought that was impressive (and those who know me, know it is impressive ).

They also asked me why I said, "I've got the fly and the tag at third" on a fly ball to right center with runners on second and third. I didn'e even realize that I said it...just used to working two person so much and communicating...I guess that's a good problem to have!

WADE--does your assignor only schedule one umpire for anything below Varsity or is this a personal choice of yours to work a lot of games solo? I'd much rather take lower pay and work three person or two person than working solo.

I too do a lot of rec ball by myself...I help one league schedule and we often put the two "newer" officials on the 12U or 10U games together and I'll work the 14U/16U myself. It's not really my call, but that's the way the head guy wants, so...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 11:51pm
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I understand not an attack.. and neither was my comments to you. Its a pleasure talking this over with upper level umps. I work a crap load of 1man because I'm in a rural area. Even though JV is definately lower level ball .. it can be quite good, smart, and fast softball and to work it alone often requires hustle and prioritizing.

Regarding watching the runners:

Lets say a runner is at 1B on a Righty, I'll cant slighty moving my left foot forward so I can see in my peripheral vision and I would see a gross leaving early.. but the microsecond leaving early I would catch at a BU I doubt I would see. 3b I cant do much about it unless a lefty batter. Occassionally I do change my focus to watch a runner I think I caught leaving early, but I wasnt positive.. ie they seem to have a propensity to try to push it. In that case rather than watch the pitch the whole way.. I more focus on the runner and watch where the pitch is caught.. I think the call is close enough and its not often I do that.

As you know though, there is no "perfect" way to call 1 man. So I do do my best on those type of issues..

Regarding your sit:

Fed has A for 1 man as to the right of the circle slightly towards 1b and and B as near 2nd.

With men on and to the outfield I like to move to A on the opposite side of the circle... I'll call it "A.2" From there I can go to where ever I need to and still see everything, including the plate touch.. although as I said it is not the high priority.

A tag up on a caught ball IS a high priority. I agree with you there.

You felt your best view of leaving early on a tag up was holding? First would be the catch then the look. That can be done from either spot .. the "A.2" or holding without loss of view point.

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old Sun Apr 17, 2005, 11:54pm
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The assignors do that, I dont make that request.. its like 7 bucks difference.. not worth it because I feel the girls deserve 2 umps watching.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old Mon Apr 18, 2005, 12:20am
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ASA has umpire in a holding zone along third base line with a runner on third, first and third, or second and third. Responsibilities would be as usual as plate umpire...catch, tag up, score.

I would rather wait for the runner to touch the plate, keeping an eye on the other runner (assuming ball is down in outfield) in case of the play at second...sure could be moving towards second from the holding zone, but the play at plate (touching it) is a big priority. Especially if you have a timimg play at second.

Here in the Indy area, we have the ability, if scheduled right, to work three person as a volunteer system. Two umpires get paid, then split the pay with the third that arrives. Schools love it, since they see it in tournament time and many of the girls are used to seeing it in summer ball.

May have an opportunity this week to work a 4 or 5 person system. That would be great!
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