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  #1 (permalink)  
Old Mon Jul 12, 2004, 05:08pm
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Aug 2000
Location: north central Pa
Posts: 2,360
Working at 14&U tournament this weekend. In my first game Sunday, there was a semi-local team playing an out-of-district team. My district runs 150 miles by 70+ miles - so we don't see all teams every year. The local team was coached by the wife of a guy that I've done a number of games with - he's a good umpire & she's a pretty good coach. Both my partner & I have known them both for a while. My partner makes the mistake of going to their stands in between half-innings & talking with our umpire friend. This continued throughout the game. Appearance will get you in trouble, maybe your partner too. Anyway, there are several bangers through the first 4 innings, all go against the out-of-district team. After the last one, we're all back in position and the one coach is squawking about the last call. He ends with "That's three, now." I call time immediately, leave the plate & head to their dugout - not knowing who exactly said that. As I approach the dugout, the coach asks if he can appeal that last call to me. I responded with "Was that you that said "that's three"?" He answered, "Yes, can we appeal that." "No, caoch, because you're gone. We do not track history on the ball field." My wife happened to be at this game and sitting in the vistors' stands - she stays away from anyone who might know either of us when she goes to games. She had some pretty amusing observations afterwards - many of which dealt with the appearance of my partner being the "buddy" of the other team.
Steve M
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