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  #16 (permalink)  
Old Thu Jun 24, 2004, 08:17am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: USA
Posts: 14,565
Re: Re: Re: Still waiting for the umps to catch up

Originally posted by Roger Greene
Originally posted by IRISHMAFIA
Originally posted by EugeneCoug
In friendly pick-up games, we have been told by opposing coaches that blocking the bases is within the rules (in response to our comments that their C or 3B, for example, can't do what she just did without the ball). Other coaches have said that they'll keep having their fielders do it as they've been taught so long as the umpires let them get away with it.
Hmmmmmm? Where's Roger?

I'd love to know if that places the coach who says such a thing in jeopardy of being found liable should that girl get hurt following his instructions?

That depends upon your state's view of contributory negligence.

I would point ou that several states have rulings that recognize participation in baseball/softball(or on a recent suit against a MLB team, just observing a game) is not a safe thing to do, and that participants assume a degree of risk.

That being said, ignoring enforcement of a "safety rule" or knowlingly advising a person under you supervision to violate a safty rule would put one's opponent on pretty solid footing in a judicial proceeding.

Roger Greene
Thank you.
The bat issue in softball is as much about liability, insurance and litigation as it is about competition, inflated egos and softball.
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